

Aw hell. I just said the same thing. Guess I'll go take a nap in a recliner somewhere.


This whole thread made me chuckle. Watching people dive on you for not liking something they do was a little funny.

Which, ironically, contradicts everything she claims to stand for.

I was here to say that. Don't need to now.

Best game no one played.

So old white dudes thinking old white dude shit.

Sounds like the same people that flooded ME 3's facebook page after the shooting. People should get facts first before they...nevermind it will never happen.

The KOTOR 2 mod is in here so I'm good.

So white kids are all good until the see the news about "those people" and, in their drug-induced state, say to themselves, "Damn I want to do what they do. South Side mothafucka"? Step out of your gated community for a while.

Key words..."for you". Unfortunately, not everyone has wonderful internet.