

Face hugger!

Guys, I am having a horrible feminist week. I am getting so tired and so angry about this constant bullshit. We can't even fucking EXIST. Everything we do is wrong, and tempting, and nagging, and slutty, and prudish, and hysterical, and sinful, and too fat, and not sexy enough, and too sexy, and "ok for a girl", or

Were you asleep? The movie was awesome. Anyone who's a fan of kaiju, tokusatsu, and giant mecha can appreciate this movie for what it is: a giant love letter to genre shows of the past.

Maybe it's because I've been listening to "Rainbow Connection." Maybe it's because of your avatar. But that swimsuit looks like a purple slutty-Kermit costume.

And the turtle pooping out slimy eggs is still less gross than the new design for the Ninja Turtles by Michael Bay.

Maybe they're rushing the proposal because they're worried her uterus is getting...

My mother is a long-time public school teacher and I was a union rep at my university when I taught. Is there waste and largesse and excessive benefits for union officials? Yes. Are they essential for protecting those underpaid folks charged with educating against wayward admins? Hell yes. Unions are a mixed evil but

That is exactly how I feel. She's the picture of courage. She took the heat and chose to be true to herself even in the unforgiving public and go ahead with her transition. I don't agree with her criminal actions, but I respect her because she faced her charges.

I'm actually starting to actually have a lot of respect for her. Mostly because she broke the law (whether what she did was right or wrong, I won't get into) and she actually stood trial for it and is serving her time-unlike some other people I'll leave out of this discussion.

I don't know if any of you have seen this, but it's been passed around for 2 years and I laugh everytime I hear about this guy because of it. It says that Guy Fieri, as a toddler, shat in a hallway and blaming it on a puppy. I don't know if it's true, and I honestly don't care... The mental image is just too good.

I first read this as "5 year old" and I was like "um...."

This woman makes really impressive cakes.

I agree entirely. Typically, attire is asserted in advance.

My cousin's wedding — evening wedding, which usually indicates "formal" (black or white tie) is actually a "casual" wedding. It's in a church and an expensive hall. But her invitations say "wear what makes you feel best." And, it's also a no-gifts-please

I found that "beautiful curve" last year. The neurosurgeon called it SPINA BIFIDA and fixed it ASAP. Jesus.

Walter is so fucking cute, it's ridiculous.

I love this comment more than I could ever say.

especially when her friend in the picture is clearly wearing a sign that says, "Die, Tumor, Die"?

Religious freedom is a fundamental right, but incorporating a business is not. When you form a corporation, you also take on the corresponding benefits and obligations. If your religious beliefs prohibit you from following through with those obligations, then you must choose between your fundamental,