
Well, you dont have to believe it for it to be true. I would miss it. I enjoy performing it on my man and do it as often as we have sex. I'm good at it, and I like it. That said, if you dont like it you dont have to do it! To each their own, concent concent concent. 

Guys, Jason Momoa is the human equivalent of a golden retriever. Whatever he is doing at that moment is the greatest thing that’s ever happened to him, he is always really happy, and he wants your attention, please look at him and love him. I think he would be fun as hell to have an adventure with and obviously to get

yes yes, this all day long. I do not want to have meaningful conversations with Jason Momoa, I want to do nasty nasty things to him for as long as he will let me. I love books, and I lust Jason Momoa, these things exist separately.

I was just happily reminded of this. I got into a bidding war with my best friends dad for this sweater, and he won and gave it to her for Christmas. She still has it. She is not married. However it still makes us cackle and she can’t bear to give it up (or wear it). 

Boys will be boys held accountable for their actions. There, fixed it for you.

Am I the only one who think it looks like an awful ice skating costume?

Exactly! If I want to be all nipples out, I just won’t wear a bra! The day I need crotchless panties, I will simply leave my panties at home. Why over complicate?

I just recently bought a Fredrick’s of Hollywood dress at my favorite local thrift store. I was surprised because it’s just a normal looking wrap dress, not scandalous at all. I remember looking at the catalogs as a kid (yeah, my dad got the catalogs and ordered my mom shit she hated) and thinking “Why the hell would

I was off and on with this total cockbag for 6 years, 6 YEARS, starting when I was 15. Lost my virginity to him, so was naive and totally thought he was the one I would end up with. HA. He was 3 years older, an amateur body builder (mostly just a meat head with dreams of body building competitions) with a motorcycle,

Wizard sleeve.

Cillian Murphy, 28 days later. Sad you missed, he is a sexy sexy man.

Potatoes are the best food in the world, and your Mom's a disappointment.

While I understand flying is stressful , as a former flight attendant, please keep in mind this is not usually the fault of the airline or airport employees! Being a shit bag to your gate agent, or to your flight attendant isn't somehow magically going to fix your travel experience. Most likely it will just make

I will concede that traveling is a massive pain in the ass, and one does not want to be in a cocktail dress and heels to do it. That being said, there are so many options that are both comfortable, and more presentable than pajamas! It's not like you have to be in a 3 piece suit, my standard travel outfit is

Yes well, we also live in a society where no matter what the ingredients are, if its in a martini glass it is a martini!!!! There are whole fucking menus of made up drinks that end in 'tini' just because of the glass. Have a flirtini, or a pomegranate martini or a fucking lychee martini!!! Yet few one can make me a

I am now the insane person on the train to work cackling in the corner. Thank you for that :)

I just want this hat. so. badly.

I want this dress. Hell, I want a reason to wear this dress. Perhaps I shall save up all of my monies, buy it, and just wear it all the time.