5 errors? Get your shit together, Sotoku
5 errors? Get your shit together, Sotoku
I can't stand the baseball games are too long argument. I'm not saying the game's not slow, but compare it to the king, the NFL. Sports on Earth had a great piece breaking down what happens in an NFL game here.
I wish there could be a cartoon starring Yasiel Puig, LeBron James, and Sidney Crosby a la ProStars
What a shame that the right to assemble has become the right to be cordoned off and kept to curfews.
'Gansetts are for when you and your buddies rent a house out on the shore of Misquamicutt, spend the day going to Newport to bet on some dog races, and then come back to pass out on the beach as the sun goes down.
Oh, in that case, that'll stop 'em. Good plan. No other course of action but to shoot, I guess. Trying to assign blame sure is a lot better than acknowledging that both sides are fucking awful, but one is definitely not at the complete mercy of the other
Oh fuck you so fucking hard. Nobody is making Israel target UN schools and shelters. The only way the rockets stop coming from Gaza is to kill every single person there. There are better ways to work towards peace, like not occupying and blockading a people into such desperation
Jesus Christ, how much is Fox Sports 1 hurting if they ask Drew Magary to come on to talk soccer? How long did it take him to start ranting about a bunch of sissies kicking the ball around all in the service of BIG ORANGE SLICE?
Real question: I live 3 1/2 hours away from the nearest place I could get Heady Topper, is it worth it?
I remember from when I had to go to India in the past that McDonald's and KFC were relatively expensive and Pizza Hut was the most expensive thing I ever ate there outside of a hotel restaurant. the maharaja burger was pretty good, and KFC was pretty recognizable if not spicier. Pizza Hut was basically the same, but…
Oh buddy, I hope nobody tells you about cricket
Are you guys drinking beer and watching a screener of The Neighbors while you make Reuben do all the hard math stuff?
I would complain about it being unamerican, but it really is the ultimate conclusion to money equaling speech. Definitely a greater scourge in my life than political campaign commericals, that's for sure.
I know it's always the polar opposite of what I put on or want to listen to...so yeah, Nickelback
Man, fuck that play mine first garbage
It's more than just that, too. The NBA is allowed to operate as a legal trust, so a lot of normal partnership or ownership claims are easily dismissed
Not to question your whole statement, but could you provide where you got 10-15 incidents against Jews in Brooklyn from? I couldn't find more than half that total, and 3 of those attacks were perpetrated by white males
Outrage outrage outrage! white privilege.
Oh, so the "married couple" can get into a lower tax bracket thanks to the shoe's $0 income? Not in my America!