We all loved Garden State for exactly one year.
We all loved Garden State for exactly one year.
Isn’t Garden State also that movie where one of the aesops, if you will, was “hey, you don’t need to take your medicine if you’re suffering from mental health issues. That stuff just weighs you down, man!”
I always find it hard to judge if Daily Show correspondents are going to be any good as hosts. It’s such a different skill set. Colbert is a bit of an exception because with the Colbert Report he stayed in character, but I honestly couldn’t say if any one of them would have been a good replacement. I need to see them…
One man’s thoughts:
I bet Bill Mahr is just over the moon about being featured in this. His slimy, shticky bullshit needs the cover of young, liberal fun-poking to seem even half-way acceptable.
- Has managed to make a career out of her passions, singing and song making
-Despite this her social anxiety didn’t go away
-Uses coping methods while simultaneously making a statement about her music
-Gets shit on by someone behind a computer.
good point, although Bjork isn’t a top 40 artist. I have seen Sia many times, mostly in small venues, and each and every time have been blown away by her voice. she’s caught in a bit of a tight spot, in that there are some songs he’s written that literally are made for her voice, and they also happen to be great pop…
Plenty of musical artists choose to not appear in their videos, wear masks, skulk away in mansions in England for 12 years, whatever. I don’t care.
Eh, I’m with Sia here. If she were a model or an actor who didn’t want people to see her face, that would be one thing, but singing is all about what you sound like, not what you look like. We don’t need to see singers. (And frankly, we’d probably have better music on the radio if success as a female pop singer…
She makes music, she wants to be heard more than seen. It’s hard to make any money as any kind of artist. No doubt she is working the mystery angle, but if that’s how she maintains some semblance of privacy and a very successful career in the entertainment industry, well that just makes her one smart lady.
I dig the fact that she wants her music to represent her rather than her appearance.
I don’t think these posts actually do any good. I think they are more harmful as they create unrealistic impressions of other cultures and encourage American Exceptionalism. See all the commentators who are posting about how ALL Indian men are misogynistic and then look at how many stars these comments receive and the…
I’d rather he be required to pay all expenses associated with the cost of her care for the rest of her life. If it drives him into poverty,well, that should be a pretty good deterrent to destroying a woman’s life with acid.
And vendetta always solved the problem of violence, that’s well known!
Thank you! The article even explicitly talks about how the height thing is because of the stupid sexist standard that women should take up less physical space than men! I think this is why a certain subset of petite women seem to have a dating preference for very tall men - because subconsciously (or consciously)…
Yes! Third-wave feminism gets really bogged down in the whole “I choose my choice” nonsense. I remember, from a few years ago, a long conversation on Jez with multiple posters dead seriously claiming that Spanx are profoundly and powerfully feminist because they feel more confident when they wear them. *facepalm*
I guess I’d buy that argument more if the furious arguments and accusations of feminazi bullying didn’t reliably roll in on every single comment on this issue pointing out that the culture we live in has a profound effect on our choices.
This sadly applies to a lot of aspects of third wave feminism. You said it in your comment - we don’t make choices in a vacuum. So many feminists (especially on this site) will argue until they’re blue in the face trying to validate their choices as having nothing to do with the patriarchy, but it would be easier to…
Yeah, I’m short, but not ‘petite’ or dainty and so my height is no advantage.
It reminds me of the whole taking your husband’s name when you get married thing. As every Jezebel article on the subject illustrates, many if not most female readers either took their husband’s name or plan to, which is perfectly understandable. But way, way too many of them angrily insist that they did so completely…