
I’m willing to concede that I am in a position of privilege and that is why racism is not the first thing that came to mind here. But yes, I generally got the impression that she was not making a statement about demanding his sexual attention, but that he had no interest in speaking to a woman if he wasn’t attracted

Given that these are from Snapchat I’m wondering what we’re missing, because Swift goes off on what otherwise appears to be a tangent about how he should “tell the story the way it happened to [him]” and how he didn’t know who she was at all even though she was clearly famous when he interuppted her awards speech.

The emotion in Derek was over-the-top schmaltz! I don’t hate Gervais per se, I just don’t think he’s a great writer on his own. His podcast work vs. his stand-up is pretty clear evidence that he’s at his best when playing off someone else.

God, will this be the final nail in my “I should quit wasting time on Jezebel” coffin? I’ve loved and followed you since How To Be A Girl on The Hairpin, Jane. I’m sad to see this fun, thoughtful space go.

Madeleine’s is the correct answer.

But yours too! <333!

She’s some variety of actress? I think she’s in...Modern Family?

Same. I don’t like this at all.

Fucking Christ on a bike, she’s ony 17. I didn’t realise she was so young—I’ve seen people all over Reddit drooling over her as well.

As someone who loves a person with ASD who had a rough childhood because of it, thanks for being an amazing parent. It sounds like your son is growing up happy and healthy.

I’m familiar with that one and it may be my least favorite of all! I don’t think we need to put names to all the individual physical signs of aging to better point out what’s wrong with ourselves/each other, is my point.

This comment is so confusing. It’s weirdly denying any societal influences exists in one sentence and then describing a societal influence in the next.

I’m learning so many new names for things I never thought of as problems before. 11s, marionette’s grooves...what’s next?

It’s bizarre how true this is. On a show that boasts a huge cast of quirky townspeople, Kirk had more things to do that had an actual affect on the plot or were actually interesting to watch than poor Sookie, ostensibly the main character’s best friend. Sookie had that episode where she wants to go on a date with

Wasn’t it largely meant to be about her fraught relationship with her mentally ill father?

It seemed overwhelmingly “father and daughter”-ish to me, I was so shocked people were interpreting it otherwise.

Wait, Demi Lovato’s also not especially curvy by any standard, is she? I have really only ever seen her face I think. She is a lovely woman, this is in no way meant as an insult but I would never describe her as curvy in whatever “traditional no fat people allowed” definition of the world they’re getting at.

Cool story. I’m pretty sure “curvy” was always just used to suggest lots of curves but sure. A fat woman with an hourglass figure would still be considered “curvy” to my mind in the “traditional” use.

Overweight people can also be curvy.

(trademark taylor swift 2015)