
“no girl”? It’s a sweater, geeezzzz with the mean

Wow y’all - that headline is awfully mean! She designed it, knitted it, it’s a sweet idea and it looks cute on Taylor!

As a knitter who hasn’t finished her first sweater this is totally amazing. Yes it’s somewhat ugly, but if it’s nice soft yarn then it’s surprising how much less appearance matters. Also the amount of work Jadda put in is actually kind of mind boggling, I’ve been knitting for nearly 10 years and I couldn’t do it,

Way harsh, Tai! The sweater’s cute ... even if the neck didn’t quite make it.

That is an amazing sweater and you are a bad and wrong person if you think otherwise.

You don’t have to use shampoo to get your hair clean. Shampoo is literally just soap that they add more shit to so that you have a reason to buy it. Rubbing your scalp with some baking soda or regular soap will wash away just as much dirt as shampoo. Also you don’t need to scrub yourself with soap to get sweat off of

It’s a special kind of bulletproof logic where you start with a conclusion and then come up with whatever lines of argument you need to reach that preordained conclusion.

I’m....perplexed by this headline.

He wasn’t targeted, he was killed by a stray bullet out of the THIRTY bullets someone unleashed on the crowd. That’s why this headline kills me—they’re pretending the costumes are the headline when several people have already been shot and I’ve been hearing sirens and fighting outside my window all freakin’ day.

I notice how the original article about the shooting has been removed. This parade has been plagued by violence and death every. single. year. Gun violence is an issue, but this event in particular attracts criminal elements and, as someone who lives in the neighborhood, most people I know choose to stay indoors

Omg, the things that people have said and continue to say to Lindy are just beyond. I love her so much because she takes no prisoners. A brief perusal of her Twitter mentions would be enough to chase me off the internet for the day, and yet she continues to fearlessly write things like her amazing, “My wedding was

I WANT to go Dutch because I don’t want my date to assume I expect him to pay for things. However, I’ve had a few dates where either he’ll show up first at the coffee shop so I’ll go up and order/purchase my drink after saying hello or we’ll go to the movies and I’ll go to the ticket counter first and purchase mine,

I ~hate~ when anyone pays for me. Friends, my parents, but especially dates. Usually men were cool about this and we split, but I’ve had so many terrible encounters. It’s like a red flag. My very first ‘real’ date the guy turned into a shrieking toddler because I tried to pay. He paid for the movies, so I figured I

Maybe it’s because I have dated men and women (when I was still dating), or because I’m a filthy pinko, so I think high school was the last time I let a guy pay for everything on a date. Since then I split, or will let the person buy dinner if I then buy drinks / movie tickets, etc. I have often wooed folks by cooking

So you’re solution to sex-based inequality is to perpetuate it?

I’ve not been on many dates but I’ve always tried to go 50/50 on them. It seemed fair and I never liked the implication that when a man pays for your dinner, you’re expected to pay your way in other ways *winky winky* My ex-boyfriend and I used to split things maybe 60/40 because he was in employment and I was still

I am firmly in the “split the check” category, either both of us paying for our own meals (preferable for new relationships) or switching back and forth. However, I noticed that a lot of guys I went on dates with were *super* touchy about insisting on paying. If I tried to pay, they ranged between panicked and

Like... He’s being treated as innocent until proven guilty by the government. Since when does the public have to treat everyone as innocent until proven guilty? And is this just on rape? Or can we use that for everything? Anytime one of these fools says something about some “bitch” they know who did something (like

What the hell is the thought process of a person who infers that “rapeable” is a fucking compliment? Being “unrapeable” would be a damn superpower.