
The idea that a woman must give up what makes her a (traditional) woman to make ‘good’ art (I think?). Men may commit themselves to this pasttime with little recompense paid to society (note the difference in connotations for ‘bachelor’ as compared to ‘spinster’). But these same men are often considered artistic

The sad part about Trump and his fucked up followers is that they have created this image of this tough guy who swaggers around intimidating people and fully capable of challenging them physically & showing his superiority. In reality he’s an overwieght, unathletic, round, bloated, stupid ass tub of lard that avoiding

Ol’ PETA Gurl almost got bippity boppity boom’d

Speaking of ignorant white women, I just got back from Hobby Lobby (long story) and a woman in line behind me was wearing a TRUMP 2020 FUCK YOUR FEELINGS shirt. She also had a 2-3yr old. I mean in complete harmony with the Hobby Lobby christian music blasting softly in the background.

I am certain she was wearing an “All Lives Matter” T-shirt, yoga pants, low top NIKE’s with a pumpkin spice latte in her hand and had a “Me Too” button on her backpack. Oh she would’ve voted for Hillary but just wasn’t inspired right? I wish Kim had gotten her hands on her. It would’ve been the best ad for how to deal

GTFO if Iggy had hit, TI would be out here like....

I mean, we did duckface for several years because it pulled in our cheeks and vaguely resembled the chiseled features of a person mid-fellatio. Now we just stick our tongue out to get the same effect while remaining ~quirky~. ‘S not hard.

I haven’t read the article yet, but I am a giant weeb so my guess is that it’s the hentai girl bukkake face

Imagine thinking teenagers don’t know about horny memes

Oh the kids definitely know where it comes from lolol 

I think that the Portuguese was the recipient of the first cookout invite in the 16th Century, we see how that worked out for us.

I pray they don’t shove this to the end of the TV season, like Abby’s, so it fails to find an audience. I’ve enjoyed all of their recent WOC-led shows (like Abby’s, I Feel Bad, etc.), but NBC seems to jump ship when they don’t get an immediate audience. I’m still happily surprised they kept Superstore after one

I wrote this after the Brock Turner trial and then-known-as Emily Doe’s victim impact statement. I’m copying and pasting it here because I’m going to start reading her book soon and I felt like it was appropriate to share.

Thank you so much for sharing this story, Prachi. This is the most incisive and heartfelt reporting I’ve ever read.

This is totally par for the course for Bernie’s supporters, a cohort of edgelords for whom politics has become a tribal bloodsport, yet paradoxically have nothing of substance at risk with any of these elections (save their egos). They will gleefully shipwreck this country and all our futures in the name of

“You know what this horrible, unfortunate situation needs?... Math.”

Mine too. There was a time I would have said Zooey, but after seeing her in several films, I’m concerned her “confused” persona isn’t as much of an act as I hope.

No word on how Emily got on with the second property brother.

The Property Brothers are basic as hell. Don’t get me wrong- I totally watch the show - but give me Hilary and David on “Love it or List it” any day of the week. I don’t believe Zoey D is, like, a comedic genius, but I enjoyed New Girl, and like to think she has a decent personality - so I truly cannot imagine what

I bet Emily threw paint on him for wearing leather. She used to be kinds hardcore about animal cruelty