
Police take victims seriously. Police take diligent notes and follow-up on leads. Police test most rape kits.

Have you ever been sexually assaulted? Was it by one of the most famous athletes in America? 'No' on both counts? Then maybe you'll begin to grasp why you can't understand that mindset. Not sure why this is your first reaction, either. 

Is this the Blink 182 song that she beat to death in Tucson?

This is very appropriate, since her breakout was on the Chainsmokers’ “Closer,” in which she refers to “that Blink 182 song/that we beat to death in Tucson.” They have also said they were influenced by this particular song. I inexplicably like Halsey and inexplicably appreciate that she seems to have had some lyrical i

Still not understanding how difficult it could possibly be to say “Ma’am, you need to leave, and if you refuse to vacate the premises we will be contacting LAPD to serve trespass notice.” Not that hard.  Retail betches gotta do it all the time.  There is no “either side,” there’s one asshole and three people being

Are we sure that isn't Charlie Heaton of Stranger Things/getting caught with drugs in the airport fame?

I knew a lady that referred to an ex-lover as Coke Can, as in he was like two cans of Coke stacked one on top of the other, and the girth was the deal-sealer on the name. She then advised that she spent the entire time “screaming” and begging for him to finish. I advised her to never, ever tell any other man that she

I once had a girlfriend who told me about an ex-boyfriend whose junk was so big it hurt when they had sex. She clearly did not understand the fragility of the male ego. All I could think about for weeks was ol' Big Dick Billy.

Once a coworker of mine said she had a great date that was headed happily toward sex and ended with her not having sex because the guy took his pants off and had a monster porno penis. She said, “That’s not going in here.”

Yes, like lots of ”Christians”in this country they claim tolerance and love and then act in a way that goes against that

You’re wrong on almost every level. Chick-fil-A is a privately held company and its profits have been used, and almost certainly continue to be used, to support anti-LGBTQ causes. Dan Cathy isn’t just a hired-gun CEO; he and his family own the company.

If you think bronze age goat herders are a good source of morality, you need to get a better source of morality.

I’m just telling you how it is, no artifice or bullshit.

That’s a serious whoops, commute was most certainly hindered today by this but I figured it was school letting out. Love the show btw!

Font. Aft. Wage. Vigor. Muse. Amid. Nil. Null. Blot.

There is nothing real about this shit.

Yet here you are, calling out the real enemy: the term "brogressive." Good job.

Amazing how people get so much more offended by low level name calling then, y’know, misogyny.

So many dudes triggered by “brogressives” it is ASTOUNDING

Are you sure? Because if we poke the YouTubes hard enough, I bet we can find a drama channel that focuses on beefs between ear wax removers and pimple poppers. Their fights over which tool to use are legendary!