
He did that in World War Z

Love for him to play Felix Faust and use it to set up the long delayed Justice League Dark/Shadowpact movie

Hopefully for my dream casting of him as Felix Faust

“We’ve searched this Jeremy Renner app from top to bottom, and all we’ve found is porno, porno, porno!

This is a fraction of what getting an annual pass to the parks or what it would have cost to live in Celebration. So yea a shitton of people are gonna take this deal.

It tracks; Hal became Parallax because he wanted to get justice for Coast City’s destruction and took it to the most extreme end. Having that in his history probably made it easier to infiltrate the Blackstars

There’s no nutrients there

Oh yeah those are great


Forever? Forever-ever?

Just hire Greg Land

Yeah like why not just make it a generic doll with no features?

Motherfucker DID ice skate uphill!

Que lo que?

My condolences to Henry Golding

Goddamn he’s handsome 

My cousin is actually in one of those shots

Wasn’t there supposed to be one with Channing Tatum?

We do this all the time at the thrift store I work at. Some one drops off something useless (usually because they couldn’t be bothered to look up our furniture donation policy and/or they just leave it at our front door when we’re closed) and we’ll slap a super cheap “Cash & Carry” label on it to get it out the door

We do this all the time at the thrift store I work at. Some drops off something useless (usually because they couldn’t be bothered to look up our furniture donation policy and/or they just leave it at our front door when we’re closed) and we’ll slap a super cheap “Cash & Carry” label on it to get it out the door