
Storm Reid is 16 though, they would probably cast someone older so they could actually use Scandal later if they wanted.

Gender swapping Chris to Christina is certainly going to add an interesting wrinkle to a particular subplot from the books if they choose to keep it.


There’s also someone out there called Speed Weed

And don’t forget Al Roker!

They need to fix that first one because the wink just looks like she’s got a wonky eye

Or Ford Maddox Ford

Good I’m tired of guessing whether or not a Kodiak Bear will fit into my studio apartment.

I work at a place where I regularly encounter and work with trans and non-binary folks. My coworkers are easy because I can just ask them privately or manager if I think they’d know but for everyone else I just default to “you”.

What was wrong with being a fashion designer? She ran her own line and it was a central part of her character for decades.

Begun these Emma Wars have

Don’t blame her for this. Com, Dre and DOC all actually managed to release stuff.

But that’s his job and until he actually saw what was happening he had no reason to assume it was an extraordinary circumstance

Did they mention or hint at a Mia/Conner relationship before hand because it felt like it came from nowhere.

Or “Smoak and Mirrors”

I wish there was a better way to phrase it because with all the shit her parents pulled to get her into the school hearing she’s on an officials yacht makes it sound like something even more untoward was going on.

Get on the bus

Missy Elliot