Prius should NEVER be the answer to anything. Ever. You lose.
That's a Lambo dude.
Sadly, it reminds me of watching a dinosaur get taken down (I recently watched Jurassic Park with the kids) - just lumbering to the ground - or in this instance slowly falling to be wedged between the lift tower on one side and some superhuman on the other.
To me, you'll always be the CTS-V Wagon Automatic guy. By the by, congrats on the 100th column - I would suggest you keep them coming, but I'm afraid Rod would show up at my house and eat my dog.
I thought about that and it does not seem to be an issue for Rally cars. Although throwing this into turns, with the kids in the back, would have them covered in hot chocolate - but they'd be happy the whole way.
I initially thought it was a Fiero with an F40 kit. Is Gemballa now doing that?
It's just so....big.
Beat me to it. Never rode behind one, but I heard the pull was 'Epic'.
Agreed. Plus when one speaks of 'freedom' and 'America', my mind does not go to Ferrari (regardless of the 308 Thomas Magnum drove) - my mind goes directly to the beauty pictured in your post - the Corvette.
One of the reasons I suggested Lion-O be the perfect spokesperson.....
Dude, I think that's an Audi.
Crack pipe.