
Totally pictured Inspector Clouseau conducting the investigation.

This is what I see in my dreams.

Can't tell what kind of vehicle was wrecked, so potentially no big loss (as long as no one was hurt - relax)?

Wagon, diesel, all-wheel drive, snow camo - perfect car for the family's Tahoe trips. But.....this one comes in a close second Jon's edition.

Lemme guess, you also don't like apple pie, baseball, people that achieve because of sacrifice? I'm surprised with a moniker like the one you have 'Mostly Over Powered And Rare' (MOPAR), didn't rise overnight out of the carbon ashes of Detroit - it took time and effort and yes, some 'eggs' were broken along the way -

I'm depressed enough because Sean White didn't win any medals in Sochi, and now this? Seriously, could you please stop posting these photos.

High five. (Puddy)

Who cares, they drive on the wrong side of the road as it is.

Can this be the only truly real, truly, "Ran when Parked" description when they are put up for sale? Amiright?

I'm assuming this will be #1. Think about it for a minute - this engine is in everything from cars, trucks, SUVs, boats, tractors, Porsches, Jeeps, FJs, Jaguars, Miatas, Saabs - you name it, this engine has just about been in every vehicle around the world.

High five, I just sold the Extended Service Plan for that Saab....over there.

I think the real V has some questions for Mercedes.

Tire chains - been helping unprepared folks for years.

When did Ferrari start supplying engines to Red Bull?

Don't start eating your pets, young, or significant other. That big rig next to you with 'Walmart' painted on the side should have enough food to feed you and your stopped brethren for days, or at least until the Cheetos and Coors Light runs out. Then...all bets are off.

Could you imagine how many wars/conflicts/occupations/North Koreas could be resolved on the race track?

Wait a minute - the President can do just about anything they want on White House Grounds (each First Lady has remodeled after the last one, basketball courts installed and bowling alleys), why not either a cart track (with electric carts - relax enviros), or a full blown track on the grounds with a displacement


I had a 1985 Datsun by Nissan King Cab 4x. The engine, oh the engine, with two spark plugs per cylinder (8 total) could muster up enough power to get to maybe 55 mph's on a good day. I would literally have to draft big rigs when I was on the highway. I beat the crap out that thing (as long as I didn't have to go

Can't wait do to this in the Hemi when my daughter is old enough. Nothing better than the smell of vaporized rubber....