
Mr. Seinfeld,

I used to work at a place called Super Shops, which sold all types of parts to hot-rod your 1985 Chevy Cavilier, but also had real parts for real hot rodders (Ron Capps used to come in the store). We were given the charge to push tires, tires, tires, but also sold wheels - Centerline most of the time, but there were

The only one that did it right was Subaru. Come on, fake 'roll-bar' type looks on the Avalanche and the body line of the Ridgeline horrible. Shit if that's what they want to do, bring back the Aztek. Horrible idea for a pick-up.

Otto is at it again....

damn nibbles - Hellcat added to the Thundercats line up. Sweet.

They heard about the price and figured they could buy enough catnip to keep them happy until a furball chokes them out.

So what you're saying is that we Americans don't want to buy craptastic cars (all but the Caddy and the GT-R) and can't afford the inflated prices of the others (Caddy and GT-R).

So this one episode I could not figure out what car Lana was driving - Mustang fastback, or early Aston Martin.

I wonder what she's like in the kitchen.

I thought you were going to say "Because of the atomic blasts and subsequent dis-figuration that comes with all the fallout, this was borne."


Is it just me, but I HATE it when I see a Prius in the fast lane - just not good for the environment. Tree hugger get out of the fast lane and into the lane that is designated for your friggin' AFX car out of the fast lane. Damn Prii!!

That's a good start, how about put down the makeup, burger your shoving in your (not you in particular) fat face, newspaper/Kindle/iPad, and just pay attention to the roadway in front of you and the cars, cyclists, pedestrians, golf carts, Prii around you.

That's awesome - the new '07 (and I'm presuming newer) not so awesome to remove. Took it in to the dealer they told me the same thing - the 'service rep' then went and talked to a mechanic - printed out the 'worksheet' to remove a simple $0.45 bulb. Remove wheel, remove inner fender line, remove screw - pop out

Hopefully they can make it easier to change the running light without having to take the entire front end apart. Come on GM!

Wait a minute - was this post directed to the European market - who really, really dislike trucks that are note diesel powered? Cause this shit will not fly in the good ole US of A. A trunk in the front - pretty soon we'll all be calling it a bonnet, or a boot.

So it's not close, but there has to be a connection - did the perp go to school in Florida?

Wait a minute, this didn't happen in Florida? How close (from California - don't care what happens outside of it's borders) is North Carolina to Florida - there has to be a connection?

Massive fan of the Mustang (except for the Mustang II and any of the V6's) in all iterations, but don't understand the rods that connect the front splitter - are they adjustable? If so, why would you want to adjust them any higher than horizontal?