
Damn, that didn't take long for the June nominee of the 'Batshit Babe of the Year' calendar contestant to be picked. She waited all of seven stories on Jalop - nice job, there Ms. Holton.


'attle do pig, attle do.'

An English guy is driving with a Polish guy as his passenger, when he decides to pull over because he suspect that his turn signal may not be working. He asks the Polish guy if he doesn't mind stepping out of the car to check the lights while he tests them. The Polish guy

You're buying someone's grandson? Creepy.

I had five posters on my wall as a kid - two were of Heather Thomas (from the Fall Guy - who is still hot); one of a white Porsche (I would like to think it was a 930, but it was probably just a Turbo) slant nose; the other was of a red, convertible 911; and the last was of the original Bigfoot.

Whats a litre?

Twinkies. They last a long time (at least as long as the it takes for the Search and Rescue to find you).

Why did you roll...............that beautiful station wagon?

My sentiments exactly Lord Vader...

Obvious answer is obvious.

It's a Ferrari dude.

This guy was a total dick and he played a French Nascar driver - French and dick kind of go hand in hand.

Why do I get the strange feeling that the Subi engineers know something we don't??

Cheaper beer, but I can get more of it.

Cut back on my beer consumption to make up for filling the tank of my truck (currently for a full tank about a $100 a pop in Northern Cali).

You beat me to it. High school in California, in the 80's...good times.

Too soon.


Willie Mays Hayes approves.