How many Miles Per Hour did you go?
How many Miles Per Hour did you go?
Hell, I'll either surf or ski. I don't care. Either way I'm driving a Datsun.
Q: What do you call a blonde in a Volkswagen?
How about one's ass - technically in the car....
You must've spend time in a Reno motel, because I get that same feeling from this story too.
I know she's got a hell of a
Anyone can drive a car at 7 mph's around an ice course in a souped up built-for-the-terrain vehicle. My 9 year old can spin a 180 in her toy Hummer on concrete - what does she win?
Leonardo DiCaprio - he's done with the green/enviro friendly confines of his Prius/Fiskar/etc.
SWEET story!!! Wish I was around when some dickhead(s) broke into my house I would've given the what for...
Good god man, you had me on the edge of my seat, I could have made a diamond if you stuck a lump of coal up my ass, don't ever do that again - I had visions of that beauty falling and disintegrating into a million tiny shards of fiberglass - happy it didn't happen....
It's incredibly beautiful, but to describe the front end would go thusly:
Was there an actual response in Fiskar's response as to why the glorified sewing machine went kaput? Sounds like a politician wrote the response. It's a shame because the car has magnificent lines - maybe someone should drop an LS6 in there and stop with all the breakdowns.
A short plane ride to Vegas International Airport - $200,
How long I gotta wait for my bitchin Camaro?
I'm more of the school of 'Ring time, which in all reality tests the limits of the vehicle's top speed, acceleration, braking, and handling capabilities - and with Ferrari the ultimate test will be to ensure it does not spontaneously combust.
I thought the Rhode Island Staties did it differently?
What they didn't show you in that news clip is these two guys using that stretch of ice to train on.
I'm pretty sure that was a Lambo Dude.
Drop that zero and get with the Hero.
Are you sure they are not piled on it because they are just don't have the willpower to let the world see it ? Let's face it, the best thing to come out of France is French Fries.