Goron roll

Wow. Nice triple post, me. Finding the llamas somewhat hypnotic.

How are you in the greys?!

Actually, dear, I think you're right on the money.

I'm rootin' for ya, Lindsay. I really am. I just want her to do well and I don't know why I care.

This is totally off topic but I am a HUGE LoZ fan so I adore your name <3

I read all the Flowers in the Attic books, all the Heaven books, most of the Dawn books, and My Sweet Audrina before I outgrew the phase and moved on to Stephen King. They're totally adolescent girl crack.

Ooo Garth Nix, I forgot about him. Wanna go read Sabriel again after 15 years, brb.

Dude, discussion about intersectional oppression has been going on in feminist academia since the '50s. Crenshaw? Anzaldua? Ring any bells?

After the Doctor's Wife I dreamed of Gaiman replacing Moffatt. After that Cybermen episode I thought differently about it.

We have a red one of these at WPI, I'm pretty sure it runs.... but when it was put on display everyone got distracted when a kid showed up with a BMW Isetta that he found in a field.

Mary Beard gets so much shit from the press, it's horrible. She gets called ugly allllllllll the time by supposedly reputable journalistic sources. Because you know, being a babe is totally a requirement for being a world leading classical scholar and Oxford professor. Plus, even though I'm a classics grad I have

As I said, I have no problem with returning artifacts to their countries of origin. However, my priority is the preservation of said artifacts, and that doesn't tend to happen when the country in question is in the middle of violent revolution, as is detailed in the linked article. The destruction of priceless

Nope. They're all engineered, breed and born like in the Matrix.

Holy sh*t a woman posted some statistics, offered no insight of her own in the one paragraph she took to describe the stats, but SHE MUST BE PUSHING THE MISANDRY HARD (becuz she a femail!!) !!!

Yep, totally true. I saw a consultant (that is, an OB/GYN) 4 or 5 times because I had pre-eclampsia and preterm labour, but a midwife was there for everything from taking blood and urine tests to getting me water and pain relief during labour to aftercare and breastfeeding help. True, they are educated for less time

Anyone can comment on GT. What's invite-only is the ability to create entirely new posts. But if you comment regularly enough that people know you, you can probably get added on the invite thread.

I think the same thing. I have a few ideas, but what if no one ever sees it?

Feel free to come comment, it's a pretty friendly, way cool group over there. The only real rule is "DON'T BE A JERK!"