
How could you forget Kelly? For shame, Finger.

I’m going with the charitable perspective that you shared the comment to GT to invite discussion, not stir shit (a forum no-no), but if you have to resort to calling names it’s probably time to step away from the computer.

I think it’s the same way people justify taking kids to Disney World when they aren’t even big enough to leave the stroller, or people justify flying first-class, or I justify dropping $500 at my favorite spa. We all make purchases that other people would consider frivolous, and when you think about the added pressure

And ironic, given that PE women aren't known for their chastity.

I moved, because I was attending college out-of-(my home) state and living in a dorm, whereas he was a nontraditional student, living off-campus and working. I got a job in the same city, but we didn’t live together until we’d been a couple for 2 years.

Yep, been married 2 years. :-)

My husband and I spent ~10 days together in person before spending a year long-distance, and we’ve been together nearly 6 years. I’m not saying it’s a good idea, more like one in a million, but it’s definitely possible. :-)

My now-husband and I dated long-distance for the first year, and we were broke college students at the time, so it’s possible! Most people who respond are going to say the same thing: have a concrete timeline for ending LD, trust is the most important thing, and keep busy when you’re apart. The only thing I would add

I’m a black teacher, and I won’t lie and say you won’t have to educate your peers more often than you would like, but the level of control you have overover raising consciousness in your classroom will help. (Don’t let anyone tell you that your kids are too young to learn about power and privilege.)

Definitely. I had enough for 20 pew arrangements, 6 bridesmaid bouquets, my bouquet, 2 boutonnieres, and 8 or 9 table arrangements (with a ton of flowers left over) for ~$280. But I still recommend the advice of a professional—my sister's a professional stylist, which helped at lot (and gave me access to the

What Moody Huxtunable said, with the added info that Casual Negroes often deny the existence of racism against Black people while garnering the majority of their support from a Black fanbase. So our money's good enough, but our struggle is not.

She was a Casual Negro before they were even a thing. I'm still salty on behalf of Nina Simone.

When my husband is out of town for work, I obsessively watch military reunion videos—the ones where the mom/dad/son/daughter comes home and surprises the family—and sob on my couch.

Yes, their teacher is one of my really good friends (and my self-proclaimed "gusband"), so I was so glad to see him and the kids . And I finally got my 1 degree of Jez separation. :-)

Congrats and friend's class is a 5th grade group, whom everyone thought would win (and I saw their performance and it was amazing). Were they in all black?

Btw, we probably "saw" each other today at the Oratorical Fest! It was on my campus, and a friend's students performed in the auditorium.

Yeah, at the beginning of this school year I was 25 (I teach high school), and they are like fourth graders in bigger bodies. And even they recognize the maturity difference—most of my students are taller and bigger than I am, but I still read as "adult" in ways they most definitely do not.

So true. My husband and I met LM a blog when we were both in college and dated long-distance for a year. When I graduated I had a job offer in his city, so I moved, but we lived separately until we'd been dating 23 months. And this was in SF, so it is possible for broke college grads to live apart in expensive cities!

George Fayne. Bess is Nancy's other best friend, George's cousin. #nancydrewstan4lyfe

Good luck! 6 years ago I met a guy on a forward to noon and we've been together over 5 years, married for one. So it can work out. :-)