
This just happened to my aunt's friend! Went to the hospital for "heart pains", left with a 13-pound baby. And she didn't know she was pregnant until he came out—her first wasn't even a year old when his brother was born. I was always skeptical of "I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant" shows, but she made a believer out of me.

Oh my goodness you just made my day! I played this game when I was a kid, but could never remember the title, nor enough relevant key words for Google. Maniac Mansion...yes!!! (Literally texting my sister to see if she remembers it.)

I bought these shoes for $14.95 on clearance at Sears, cut off the hideous bow, then spent ~$3.00 on supplies to make the satin flowers, which matched the big satin flower I made for my sash. I waited until the last minute to buy shoes because everything was either too high, too expensive, or on back order, so I felt

I'm at a charter now (ironically, one that's right next to one of the high schools that's at the center of the current charter debate), but I was in the district for 3 years and have a lot of good friends at my old school. At least the oratorical fest will be a bright spot amidst all the chaos going on.

Do we work in the same district?

I think the title of this piece is off, given all the nominations for Best and Supporting Actress are white women. Yes, gender privilege is a thing, but white women aren't being excluded to the extent POC, both male and female, are.

Do you remember the name of the poem? I teach Ethnic Studies and I'd love to share it with my classes.

When I read the blurb, I thought "unassisted" was referring to the mom/dad delivering the babies solo. My mom had identical triplets, and I'm pretty sure the scariest part was going from two kids under 5 to five under 5 overnight. Fun fact: Jerry Springer's producers called and asked her to be on the show.

In social science disciplines, socioeconomic status (SES) refers to class status, and the "socio" prefix refers to the institutionalized structures that keep people impoverished/wealthy.

Or at POC. Trayvon was from a middle-class family (and was staying in his step-mom's gated community) when he was murdered, but he was still Black, which is all that matters to people like Zimmerman.

I've been to that one, when I lived over there. I didn't do extensions though—straight pedis until I found a place I liked better (s/o to Cuticles!).

I didn't invite kids to my wedding besides my niece (<6 months old) and nephew (13 years old). However, it was easy because I got married at 25 so most of the invitees didn't have kids, and our wedding was super-small (~45 people). A relative asked to bring her grandson at the last minute (which was hella shady for a

Weight Watchers was featured as part of a storyline on Mad Men, and the chalkboard behind the group leader had a seemingly neverending list of "Do Not Eat" foods.

I think the reaction is what is going to stick with people. This breaks like every rule on the "What not to do when you get called out" List. But defensiveness is par for the course with Jez authors...everybody move along now.

Are you thinking of Next?

Did you know you can share your account with them (it's called "guest membership" or something) so that they can use a Prime shipping through their own Amazon accounts? My husband and I have Prime in his name, and he just had to send me an email invite so I could use it. Perfect for Christmas shopping.

I am an Ethnic Studies teacher, and I recommend Takaki's A Different Mirror (or A Different Mirror For Young People). It focuses on the history of POC in the US.

I'm sorry. My dad died when I was 23, and losing a parent young is something you don't think about until it happens. I live 2000 miles from my mom, and I also thought about moving back, but I would actually recommend that you don't unless you absolutely have to (like to help your mom pay bills). Spousal grief and

There have been, and to no one's surprise light-skinned Blacks have been granted positions over dark-skinned Blacks in disproportionate amounts since we were allowed to hold positions. A study I read several years ago even mentioned that nearly all of the first Black elected officials were light-skinned.

All good points, but not always true. I read so many comments like this before I got my IUD, and I was so scared (especially because TMI I'm rather...small down there). But insertion wasn't that bad (like a hard pinch, and done) and I had zero cramping and no bleeding. I went to work the next day totally normal. So