
I am one of seven sisters who were born across three decades (blended families for the win!), and none of our names are on there. Our names are in that middle ground between too popular and too obscure, I guess. Interestingly, my name has been the most popular one in my ethnic group at times, and it's even ranked by

I'm thinking Penelope, which my fiancé loves, but the potential popularity gives me another reason to give it a no.

I'm a teacher (bilingual, so all my students are Latino—mostly Mexican), and "old" names are back in style! Within the past 3 years, I've had: Yolanda, Edson, Darwin, Marlene, Sharlene, Wilbur, Omar, Carla, and I'm sure there're some I'm forgetting.

Mine's just kind of silly. My now-fiancé and I met on a blog, and when we finally made plans to meet (we lived 2000 miles apart), he said I could stay at his place. So he was telling me about his room, and he said his bed was a "Japanese tatami mat." I speak Japanese, and my best friend had just returned from living

The plural of anecdote is not data.

Why don't you compromise and ask everyone, in a witty way, to bring cash? Yes, it's tacky to mention money on invitations, plus there might be people invited who are vegan, have intolerances, etc., and are thus limited to the salad options. You can spread the word through the grapevine or email and leave it off the

I agree with the OP. I'm having open bar at my wedding, and we'll close the bar a half-hour before, but people will be driving themselves back to the hotel in their rental cars or cabbing. You don't want to deal with any liability of a drunken guest doing something silly at the venue or with getting charged "overtime"

My fiancé and I were long-distance for a year (and we met on a blog, so we had only spent 10 days together in-person when we decided to be in a relationship). FTR, he was in California and I was in Indiana, and since we were both in college, visits were minimal.

I'm not saying you will change your mind, or that he will, but either of your priorities could change as life gets more "tangible" (e.g., if you plan on buying property, marriage, kids). It's hard to say what you would do in situations you can't expect, like a sick parent, a need for childcare, a sudden inheritance,

I wonder if they mentioned it because other people know and they wanted to head off any rumors? Or maybe the prompt was "tell us about a time you overcame a hardship as a couple", they mentioned the abortion and agreed/were persuaded to include it in the story.

I think it's rude to ask for cash* because it's totally black and white how much the gift is worth (unlike an object that might have been for sale, bought with coupons, from a different store than the registry, etc.) and the cash gift is intertwined with crap like "give the amount it cost for the bride and groom to

As you should. My fiancé is white (and Jewish) and I'm black, and I can't possibly imagine it working if we were just "lah-dee-dah, colorblind blah". I do think it makes a difference that we both come from marginalized groups—I'm not sure how I would react to a white partner who had no knowledge about the nature of

I graduated a semester early (December 2010), and I recommend maxing your credit hours starting second semester (if you do well first semester). Many schools let you take lots of classes before you need to overload (1-2 credit options make it easy to take 6 or 7 classes), and it will free you up for late junior year

That's fair. Since your first post had a tone of "that's just how it is; deal with it", I was confused and asked about rationale. What you say makes a lot of sense, but I wouldn't be surprised if people took your first post (minus the "agree to your demand" part) and did it anyway, and I was wondering what kind of

Well duh, but that still doesn't explain why someone would be interested in putting up photos of someone who either expressly requests they not do so or who isn't the type to have pictures of themselves online. What non-creepy response is there to, "I don't want you to put pictures of me online?"

I posted that upthread too! Horrifying...