Googly Eyed Plush Toy

Is everyone forgetting that the *Republicans* could have passed this without a single Democrat getting on board, and didn’t? Why is anyone playing into the narrative that the Democrats were the problem.

“Is This What Parties Are Like Now?”

Look, it doesn’t matter who I killed, just that you remember I killed them bestly.

It’s the “his own people” that’s most telling. At a subconscious, gut-belief level, Spicer doesn’t consider Jewish Germans and Austrians to be Germans and Austrians, i.e. Hitler’s people. He considers them wholly Other in a way that is analogous to Hitler’s own Othering of Jews, gays, Communists, dissenters, etc.

yeah that’s never where you insert a “but” or “however.” Other examples where this is NEVER CORRECT, and yet when the GOP gets started...I swear I’ve heard all of these:

In fairness, she did say she was there to remind you of the mess you made since you went away.

I assume the other party in the murder suicide was a grizzly bear.

GO MARYLAND! Also, can we stop referring to it as “defunding” Planned Parenthood? PP doesn’t really receive “funding,” it just gets reimbursed via systems like Medicaid and Medicare for the services (minus abortions) that it provides low income people- same as literally any other health care provider. Its not like

“A Brain-Invading Parasite Is Believed to Be Spreading Because of Infinitely Scrolling Blogs”

Any military out there? How do you feel about this douchebag making life or death decisions for you?

“What advantages does this war have over, say, an ethnic cleansing, which I could also afford?”

I’ve been trying to convince my friends to use it as a drinking toast. I’m almost there.

Remember how people were saying there was really no difference between him and Hillary and millions of women believed it?

This is not an April Fool’s story but my brother and I are Irish twins (a prank unto itself) and one summer night when we were both 7 for a few weeks we had a very nice teenage girl babysitter. Her teen friends typically thought they were funny and were going to prank our sitter by coming over after dark and tapping

I called my mom from a friend’s house post-sleepover (pre-cellphones). She asked where I was and I said, “um well I’m in jail, we got arrested last night.” I waited a few beats for her to scoff and say, no really, where are you? But the joke was on me because she just sighed and said, “Oh molarplexus, what is it you

An anecdote of why you can’t run government like a business. As told by Jamie Vollmer:

Putting everything aside, hatred of Trump, etc., this statement just bothers me to the core:

As my Papa, may he rest in peace, used to say: “I get the feeling that boy’s family tree is just a stump.”

Texas is what happens when you shut down PP. Kansas is what happens when you cut taxes for the rich. Wisconsin is what happens when you cut education. The Great Lakes and Flint, MI are what to expect when you kill the EPA.

Why do we continue to act surprised that our government clearly doesn’t have our best interests

I think Duane Johnson’s introduction of Lin-Manuel Miranda shows that he should host.