Was passed by a hideous looking FD RX-7 yesterday, but the guy gave me a very excited thumbs up as he passed me, so I could only return one myself since he just seemed so enthusiastic and nice in general.
Was passed by a hideous looking FD RX-7 yesterday, but the guy gave me a very excited thumbs up as he passed me, so I could only return one myself since he just seemed so enthusiastic and nice in general.
“Yes 911, I have tail-pipe sniffing commoner following me. It appears that he is infatuated with the sound of my chariot’s sonorous flatulence and my unwavering, inflated sense of self worth.”
I would’ve also accepted calling this the Cheep.
Might want to look at inflation-adjusted values...
i think they’re talking about how teslas are still largely made of plastic and don’t use exotic materials at all
What? You know there is such a thing as thermal expansion that takes place as the metal in the motor warms and gets to operating temps, right? That isn’t something that can be accounted for by the ECU alone.
There was this complete f##king idiot, a kid with no right to be on the road, blocking my way,tried a few times to overtake him without success only for him to run off the road. Great i thought, time to get past but oh no the c##t pulled back on right in front of me. Then his Australian mate started tailgating me and…
We considered one too but test drove a 2 yr old model first to see what the wear and tear was like. I was shocked at how badly it rattled. It rattled EVERYWHERE. It would drive me insane. I wouldn’t be able to handle it. Needless to say, we didn’t get a Flex!
1959 Chevy vs 2009 Chevy. This is all you need to show to the unbelievers.
As my grandfather would say “they don’t build ‘em like they used to” to which I’d reply “Thank God.”
Will it sound like this? Old Merc straight-sixes sounded awesome.
No, that was both Charlestown and Somerville, MA (from Charlestown’s east end to Somerville’s Winter Hill)— the HQ of Whitey Bulger’s Winter Hill Gang. Overall MA registered car theft rate was 1:35 vehicles. Charlestown was also the armored car robbery capital of the US.
Under rated comment of the day.
I think that may take the award for ugliest modern car. It’s just terrible, it looks like a bad futuristic movie prop from the 80's. I actually laughed at some of the pictures!
LOL, good effort squirt. Junior high let out early on Friday?
Hey, he’s right. It’s a sad truth, but a truth nonetheless.
So, a few words about that BMW wagon. It’s being sold by this guy.
“It’s a Jeep thing.”