
I’m being conservative with that $15-20K. Signs of potential rust at the rockers, which takes some real, serious effort on a modern 911. Find enough rust and getting it back to where it needs to be could be very expensive. New “ceramic rotors” are probably ones I’d never trust. Porsche PCCBs are like $4-5K a corner

Buys new body panels but doesn’t care enough to have them properly painted. Love the exterior shots at a distance, no zoomed in photos, etc.

If you could hug one dog, or if you could hug two dogs... would you hug four dogs?

Doug was in Ohio... yet didn’t play, “Hang On Sloopy” while in the car.

Yes, but they first hang you by your thumbs.

In 2012, Porsche unveiled the Panamera Sport Turismo Concept, which was the Panamera wagon we all dream about when we go to sleep at night. Despite looking about 1000 percent better than the last-gen Panamera sedan, it never materialized. And we were sad.

He slid for over 4 seconds on pavement. That’s quite a long time, quite a distance, and quite a lot of speed that will get scrubbed off.

The S2000 was hyped to hell and back when it was out though. Younger crowd didn’t get them because they couldn’t afford one. Only when it starting getting on in its years (as in, 7+ years old) did people start to disregard it.

This was a car I should’ve bought when it was out. There was a lot of moaning and groaning that it wasn’t like the previous Integra and that it was “ruined”. They were somewhat looked over as a result, particularly by the younger crowd.

I live in a “small city” by comparison. My average speed in a car in the metro area (not the city) is between 20 and 25mph on the interstate, at off-peak hours. It is equally un-fun, which is why I solely take public transit, and just go on mountain bombing runs on the weekend, which are actually fun.

So what happens when the honeymoon of popping exhaust notes and drift on demand stop and you actually use it as a DD?

Yep. I remember years ago when the Boss 302 came out. Dealers around me wanted $25K markup for that. “For that money I can buy X.

From what I hear from my dealer, GT3 RSs and the Boxster Spyder no longer came standard with stripes due to customer complaints. <sigh> The R at least added them as a factory option, whereas motorsport stripes on the GT3s, GT4 and Boxster Spyder are now DIOs in the US.

The reality is to get enjoyment out of the car, you have to make the conscious decision to go out in it alone in the evening, or in the very early morning on weekends. It is planning and effort, but you have to commit to it.

...and there is no spare tire.

The Toyobaru twins are still pushing 25K units/year in the US, which is good for a sports car.

Subaru would make that, then people would instead bitch that it doesn’t have the top-end of a WRX, and still not buy it, or claim they'll wait until they get one used for $12,000, and still instead buy a Honda CR-V when that happens because they need something practical.

Add window wind deflectors for another 10HP.

Not only would Freddy buy it, he’d use it to tow a small chicken coop from Florida to Montana and write an article about how it all went down.