
One of my biggest “is it worth the time savings” was, oddly, buying something we normally buy at the grocery store at the gas station down the street.

Also, no one buying a $134,500 car checks zero options from the options list.

Customers who sit in traffic 2+ hours a day don’t get to really experience the driving dynamics of a BMW

Porsche 6-speed is also up-left.

One thing is having something expensive is a signal that you have that money to spend, which implies (but doesn’t necessarily mean) you are successful, and by the same token (but not necessarily) that you’re a better human being. Though based on the millions of water cooler conversations I’ve seen at clients, buying a

Clean C32s are hard as hell to find. C43s are more desirable because a 55 swap is pretty easy, but you have a vehicle that is quick enough, pretty comfy, and an older-school AMG.

So when does a manufacturer decide, “Fuck it, we’re going to five clutches”?

Usually high end manufacturers also specify a maximum time between fluid changes in addition to the mileage. For example, Porsche flat-sixes have an interval of 10,000 miles — or 12 months, whatever comes first.

So a V12 that was largely known to basically be two V6 Duratecs stuck together was ... a V12 that was basically two V6 Duratects stuck together.

Here’s some 959 photos to compensate:

This thread demands dog photos.

Yep. Moreover, I’m not someone who recommends a manual to most people. In fact, I’ve only recommended a manual transmission to someone ONCE in the past eight years.

The sports car I own now has to be to sports car I own until I die. This was a decree largely based on long-term cost of ownership.

The reality for most people is it won’t matter.

Haven’t driven any 997 in a while, and those were both a 997.1 Turbo and 997.1 GT3. Granted, test drives, so couldn’t qualify it.

I’ve taught tons of people how to drive a manual. I also was in the “self-taught” camp. I went from an automatic (column shift) pickup truck, to an automatic (with a manual control gate) sporty coupe, straight to an Evolution VIII MR. I read up, correlated that to the typical actions, and it started to make sense.

Yep, also my complaint about the NC Miata: Incredibly vague clutch.