
Every long haul flight should have a lavatory just for free post birth abortions.  Over international waters, flush that thing out of the plane the second it starts screaming.  Totally legal.

Um, #NotAllBats are vampire bats. It’s 2019. We should be beyond such slander. Wait, this is print so.. libel.

Blogging: A career where you can collect revenue by voicing the moral high-ground stance, while also collecting revenue through advertising the very thing you are against.

In the interest of standing out among competitors...

That pass was blinder than a Hong Kong protestor shot in the eyes by the Chinese government.

Wait until the folks at Splinter get a load of th... Oh.

Enes Kanter is absolutely right here. Freedom isn’t free.

I’m surprised at this anti-Bulgaria post.

As a 6'7 man, I suggest we burn them all at the stake, then parade their charred corpses infront of the younger generation to ensure the message is received.

Maybe he should have disguised it as a United States Treasury bond.

Since this is obviously a made up story, in order to make it easier for everyone else to separate fact from fiction here, I’ve taken the liberty of going through the entire article and highlighting the things that are obviously make believe so readers coming after me can focus on the aspects of the article that may be

Plus now he has the whole day to himself!

$5M to go away (assuming he gets paid out for his 2020 deal) AND he doesn’t have to continue with that dumpster fire of an organization?

Sounds like a pretty good way to start the week.

You ok bud?

That $640,000 is before rebates. It’s more like $400,000, right?

My biggest pet peeve is people who don’t put the dumbbells back on the racks, or they ignore the labels and just put them anywhere on the rack.

hurt, suspended, or in Cleveland

Point: The Spurs built a whole new stadium in the time it has taken to renovate the Napoli locker rooms!