I just need some explaining about the almost £10,ooo bottles of wine as someone who know nothing of wine. Is that just a ridiculous mark up, or is that wine really rare, or is that a wine that gives orgasms with every sip or what?
I just need some explaining about the almost £10,ooo bottles of wine as someone who know nothing of wine. Is that just a ridiculous mark up, or is that wine really rare, or is that a wine that gives orgasms with every sip or what?
Immediately go to the bank and withdraw 1 mil cash. I’d want a comically large bag with dollar signs on it. Take some shots for IG and promptly deposit back in the account. Then contact the authorities.
That Pinocchio pic
it’s basically an updated article that was posted on giz on Monday. must be a slow week.
I’m pretty sure it’s an ad at this point.
Came here for this
Guardians from the winning team of course also have their commemorative class items: gold-plated marks draped around their waste reminding the other classes who won.
This sounds like a broken record for bungie. This was an issue in D1 too. I feel most of the issues they have now, they were issues in D1.
I would like to see a GTA style peaky blinders game. I would buy that.
I recommend getting into an mmo. It hits a lot of those boxes, plus you never have to leave!
Squeenix had always had terrible solutions to dealing with rmt in their games. Considering the wealth of information they get from an online game, I expect better.
will there ever be a time where netflix has ALL of the LOTR available at one time? No, I think not.
I actually like it. No one takes the all star game seriously anyways and the 4th quarter turns into a makeshift dunk contest. Will it be worth the watch? we’ll see..
Then skynet but with cars. So this is how humanity ends...
They should bring back multiplayer! I loved it too. I loved the free-for-all, find the correct person in the crowd. I don't think I ever won but I loved playing it. It was a really different and enjoyable multiplayer.
This is the correct take.
Assassin’s creed had this exact problem a while back and you’d think Ubi would learn from their mistakes, but I guess everything is forgotten when a IP becomes profitable again.
I need a team of researchers and we’re going to make a tv special of how humans discovered castoreum. It will probably involves licking beaver butts and thinking “hmmm. this could enhance vanilla..”
I got that reference.