
I work and live in Washington, right on the Columbia River. No state income tax, but there is a sales tax. But, if I lived in Oregon and still worked in Washington, I’d have to pay income tax to Oregon even though I don’t work there. So, not only would my commute increase (fucking I-5 bridge), I’d also get taxed more!

I think of two things when I hear about Slovenia: the time they beat the US in the World Cup because the USMNT is a sorry sack of shit, and the time Boogie burned some smug-ass journalist of theirs to the ground during the Olympics:

When Mother Nature sweeps her pandemic scythe across the fields of the human race, the remnants of the other species of this world will stand and cheer our demise.

Looks like a very cool movie. I wonder if they’ll ever do one based on the Stephen King story.

I’m sure its just a weird effect from the camera angle, but does anyone else think it looks like he doesn’t touch third?

Your title is probably the most correct answer: They aren’t trying to communicate with us. There is no reason for them to do so, no matter how much we might think differently. Its like that date you wish would call you back. They have your number, you’ve got your phone constantly on you. You know they were into you,

In my college days, my buddy Josh got a call on his silver Motorola that we all had. The ringtone was the theme from Law & Order. It was one of the funniest things I’ve ever heard.

To be fair, the Yankees have shown a willingness to change their minds about honoring certain historic numbers. Just ask Alex Rodriguez.

So that was... grey. I mean, I know these aren’t actually comic books, but you do know these things are in color now right?

Do you know how bad your film has to look for me to be ‘meh’ about Parademons?! I await the Red Skies to come and cleanse this mess from the face of Earth Prime.

D.B. Pooper

The Browns know they are going to be bad. You can turn it around pretty fast in the NFL, but you need a little bit of basic talent. The Browns seem to have finally become self aware enough to understand that they do not have that. What they do have is $100,000,000 in cap space this year. They looked around and did not

“Wanting characters to identify with” implies an inability to identify with what is being offered. If your child only identifies with characters who look like him/her, you’ve failed as a parent. Children should be taught to identify with actions, words, deeds, etc. — not skin color, gender, or perceived background.

Lucky parking space, my ass.

“... hit a set of spike strips going 115 MPH, subsequently barreled off of the road and into a drainage ditch, launched the truck into the air and landed on a car parked at a restaurant” 

There is no good reason for keeping OJ locked up

It’s not “Islamaphobic bullshit” to merely admit that radical Islamists commit terror attacks. He doesn’t attack Muslims as a whole at all, but he doesn’t bury his head in the sand and ignore facts either.

That’s so unbelievably awkward I’m having secondhand embarrassment.

Because it’s hard to see into those squinty ass eyes and see that there’s no soul inside there.

“Leaking” oh so you’ve heard about the contents?