
Who are these people you speak of that only eat two, five-inch pancakes?

That’s why you don’t make prequels about a character as iconic as Han Solo.

Bruce Arians.

That’s precisely why MMO’s are a dying genre. People like the idea of playing an MMO much more than they enjoy actually playing one.

The movie isn’t remembered very fondly due to the story, but Avatar is still the one and only 3D movie I’ve seen that was an amazing visual experience. There’s are a few scenes in the movie that are so beautiful and well executed I was absolutely positive I was watching the start of a revolution in cinema. This scene

The awful metal/grunge guitar music is so inappropriate for the period it’s grating and makes the show unwatchable.

Too many hillbilly tattoo’s to make a change like that. Way too risky.

It’s a lonely fight, but I’m right there beside you! He’s no Reeves, but at least he’s wearing blue, yellow and red. Damn you Zach Snyder.

Stellaris is my first Paradox game and I was worried about the difficulty as well. Normal in this game is definitely easy-mode. It’s probably too easy for all but your first couple of games, but it’s a great way to learn the game stress-free. I recommend giving it a try if you’re on the fence.

Any idea what carrier Amazon uses for Pantry? I’ve always been tempted to order but if they ship via USPS the thought of carrying a 40 lb box of sundries from the leasing office up two flights of stairs has scared me off. UPS/FedEx deliver to my apartment door....

Any idea what carrier Amazon uses for Pantry? I’ve always been tempted to order but if they ship via USPS the

I’m really looking forward to the day when Hollywood realizes that most comic books are better left alone.

Did they ever explain why you couldn’t just wear a really good set of ear-plugs? I couldn’t get into this series because I kept shouting “Ear plugs damn it!” at my television.

This is exactly what happpened to my dog. I was only about 13 at the time and was inside the house when I heard what sounded like my dog playing. Our home was in the middle of a huge grove of orange trees and when I went outside to see what the sound was I caught a glimpse of my dog as he playfully chased something

I’ve been in her shoes and it’s certainly not a pleasant experience. At first it’s awful but after the initial verbal barrages are over people start getting comfortable enough to let their true personalities shine through and I reached the point where there was no way in hell I was going to cave because of a couple of

The difference being that when it’s over he won’t have a child-support order and 183 man-hating county workers crawling up his arse for 18 years threatening to take away his driver’s license when he’s a few days late handing over 1/3 of his income because obviously that’s the best way to ensure proper payment every

There’s something about food/beverage service that causes people to reveal their true personality. When I’m dating someone new, they can seemingly be perfect in every way but if they treat a host or food server like shit it’s over as soon as we’re back in the car. They’re either sociopaths who lack empathy or

I think this is exciting news. The one thing that almost everyone agrees with about Simmons is that he’s great at cultivating talent so I’m looking forward to seeing what he has planned. Personally, I love his stuff, even the pop-culture stuff, so I’m buyin’ whatever he’s selling.

There’s also a very nice deal of the day on Gunnar Optics as well. That 1TB SSD was too hard to pass up. Here’s the link if you want to add it:

There’s also a very nice deal of the day on Gunnar Optics as well. That 1TB SSD was too hard to pass up. Here’s the

Corsair’s K95 was the final straw in my relationship with that company. I made the mistake of buying one shortly after they were first released and I started losing LED’s within 2 weeks and within 4 months 1/3 of the LEDs were out. This was after I had one of their headsets fall apart on me after 6 months of light

Corsair’s K95 was the final straw in my relationship with that company. I made the mistake of buying one shortly

I used to proudly proclaim I would never abandon real books for ebooks for many of the same reasons I see being made here in the comments. Then I had to move 3 times in two years and suddenly I was cured of my convictions.