
umm sorry but the keyboard isnt what makes a surface betters, WINDOWS is what makes a surface better, not a crippled mobile OS, but a full blown desktop os that i can plug into a dock and have my full desktop running from if i wanted.

Except their still running IOS

They fixed it in the SP3, works fine on laps now

crippled os it runs windows 7 and now 10, only the original RT had a RT version of windows every other one had 7 and 10, and since when are I5 and I7 Intel’s “underpowered” processors

nothing to due with inability to cook ramen are what 25 cents for a meal, its hard to beat that

im still trying to understand why they don't just bolt a bow-flex into the ISS resistence training makes gravity a non-issue and provides a substantial workout, why reinvent the wheel, bowflex+resistence bike = good workout

lol thats not a full PC jnemesh... by that definition every phone is a “PC” lol

annie and tibbers from league of legends

annie and tibbers from league of legends

wtf are you talking about this has nothing to do with time travel its not a FTL travel even


Thats why titanfall is so good that anger and competitiveness is replaced by just sheer fun i've never once felt frustration in titanfall like i felt every other game in some other games like cod/bf there just isnt that much frustration at all really, they strung too many ways of making yorself feel like a badass to

Because super powerful TP dad + super powerful TP mom = holy shit powerful son, hes just young and only recently broke out.

thats the thing its not 1 good episode, it started out ok and has progressively been going form good to "holy shit this show rocks" lol i want to say i saw the end coming form this episode but i so didnt lol

you know how i know this is true, its the only game where if you ask any group of people you'll always find someone who plays league lol, its surprising how often i have found random people (somehow always ranked higher than me) from just randomly asking "do you play lol"

Except that several of the key resources are expected to be depleted or severely crippled within the next 20-25 years, so unless your really old or planning to die young, that's why.

A+A = A ... well it = 2A but we dont care about the 2... wait .... that doesn't seem like proper science/math LOL...

lol they blame windows for a vulnerability they had in their software... wow i see the logic in that LOL

hes not the last doctor, he's the forgotten doctor

Wait you mean.... by gosh Like your phone?!?!?!?! The thing thats ALWAYS connected and online, has a Mic and 2 camera's and all of your private images stored on it? OMGOSH Everyone should tape there camera and mouthpiece up on their phones when its not in use for fear that your phone be hacked.