
you realize it says 4000 right not 400? which i believe is within the realm of repopulation figures.

LOL Then finish watching, the issue is that Moffat doesnt do 1-3 episode plots he does entire season long naratives that come back to you in the end and you say "WTF!?!? How did i miss all of that it explains a LOT! But wait ... wtf"

its not 100 people to repopulate the planet, read the description these are juvenile delinquents we sent to earth to test if its habitable, the rest of the race or what survived is elsewhere.

having your common apps on the taskbar... since win7 has always been the most productive method to access programs and remains in win8 so wtf are you talking about.

Same here go nokia! My entire team at work is planning to get 920's

2 gigs may be an issue? dude i've used windows 8 with 1 and i gotta say the memory management got a hella lot better, so 2 is more than enough for a lappy

IF they had continued to fight and go back, they would have erased there friend, they realized that she had grown up she had been ok, they had even met and spent time with her without knowing, it was a concilation prize, but it was something i feel to help them heel and stop tormenting themselves, the fact was the

Good guessing and yes i do think he has an overall arc, but i think the episode to episode stuff is more off the cuff so to speak...

TAKE MY GOD DAMN MONEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Unless nokia announces a equally sexy phone with Pureview, and then they can TAKE MY DAMN MONEY!!!!!!!!!!!

it looks like every frigging phone people need to stop nitpicking

earth quakes are scary, and surprising, but honestly look at the devastation caused by hurricanes especially Lois... Andrew.. and the other Category 5's that made landfall and DEVASTATED, not 250mile areas, entire states devastated... but ya... hurricanes are not scary lol

the other problem is that people seem to get used that "150mph sustained winds category 5 hurricane" not realizing that in reality thats SUSTAINED WINDS, guts are insanely much higher, hell tropical storms have 90mph "gusts"

wow your an idiot, hurricanes are one of the most powerful events that can hit, this is coming from someone who had a hurricane go from a category 1 to a category 5 WHILE SITTING ON TOP OF US.

OH HELL YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But if they release a pureview i might still go nokia

you do realize gidmodo, not all of us live in the USA, and not all of us have perfect weather reporting, where i live the f*cking local weather report is nearly 70 miles away and trust me its not "cloudy with light chance of rain" right now.

wait we all don't use physically done passwords? seriously figure out a shape on your keyboard and use those keys, maybe a L/ or a \/ of keys and tada thers the basis for your password

i chuckle when they say that invisiblity is impossible, but then i heard that they invented a material that cna do that.. just because the field / engine / disruptor doesn't exist doesn't mean it never will.

the actual quality of apps on WP vs Android is like night and f*cking day ask anyone that has used both.

Actually thats not the reason, the reason is that Microsoft store isn't full of 1.9 billion bullshit apps

i know they forgot Haven Returning and Merlin are returning WTF