
OMG did you forget MERLIN RETURNING?!?!?!??! http://merlin.wikia.com/wiki/Series_5

not happening yet doesnt mean we arent on the edge of all the breakthroughs, we are very close to them, just because they havent happened in the 10 years or so since X was posted, doesn't mean its not around the corner, we're not exactly talking about your sandwich in the oven finishing here we're talking about

illuminated trackpads,,,, also known as the finger tip warmer

have to agree the french seem to have reigned it in quite nicely into something quite manageable.

if thats the case shouldn't the lottery be banned? I mean honestly its up to the people to police there own budgets wtf... I've seen people blow 300-400$ who really couldn't afford it on lotto tickets because "it's the biggest lotto ever i can win!"


its not going any where its staying its the future get over it they will tweak it it will end up getting more integrated with windows installer, so that future apps with many icons can generate there own bundles for their tiles automatically, it will evolve as windows goes but this is the future get used to it.

LOL you installed EVERYTHING NINITE HAS? Seriously? wtf who does that?!?!?! In addition thats why 99% of peoples start menu's were so cluttered and useless that no one used it and metrics showed upward of 90% of people ignore there start menu and pin to the taskbar.

This is the x86 tablet though :)

You do realize that this is an INTEL TABLET, RUNNING FULL WINDOWS 8, NOT RT... My god read first before you troll

$500... really? its an ipad with a full blown REAL processor and REAL OS, not to mention will probably have a huge SSD, has expansion slots, i mean honestly this is NOT an ipad.

so few people realize this, that said im waiting for surface 1080p + core i5 = SOLD

samsung your supposed to use the surface as a BENCHMARK, which means "do better than" that non 1080p screen makes me a bit sad :(

I was happy for her the first 3 laps but that last lap was ridiculous, a 16 year old girl just doesn't come out of no where and swim even faster than lochte

shes hot

Thank you atleast someone said it... so sick of people saying routers will speed there internet up especially when the shits on tech sites like this...

100% marketing bullshit... 802.11n had a range of what 25m realsistically and with 0 interference... then we have 802.11ac which is using EVEN MORE channel space, over a shorter distance with even less error correction... 80MHZ.. For the love of god 80MHZ do you know how much spectrum that is?

Last i checked a pretty good counter would be the indian/russian hypersonic cruise missile or the x-51 cruise missle in development, take out there stupid complex system... I mean honestly read this again it relys on soooooo many systems all working in unison break any 1 of them and its going to be a hunk of metal

ummm... am i the only one that read "will reportedly launch a swarm of micro-satellites into low orbit where they will help refine the targeting data further and transmit it back to the onshore command center" and wondered since when is any country to the stage that they can just on demand launch and operate a micro

microsoft seemed to have the best deal with the subscription, unlimited streaming + drm free copies each month you can dl to keep of your favorites...