
Wouldnt doubt this is also the case even on twitter spending more than 5-10 minutes is insane to me, you scroll for a few maybe post once, and then your off it’s not a site/app that you spend 20-30 minutes doom scrolling normally

It’s not bad for a intiial release but they need to quickly add missing things like a limited feed that just shows friend shares...

They’re already delaying the tests for the SpaceX rocket how long so far? They wanted to run live tests back in december but the administrations been heming and hawing pushing them back continiously, at this point SpaceX has almost 3 Starships built waiting to test, and 1 that was built and scrapped in the time it’s

I’m hoping they keep it non-gamer friendly and make it just a solid Sci Fi show, they can do nods to the game in later seasons, first season needs to grab an audience

Exactly it’s easier to make him “The Master Chief” and all the others just Spartans and have the general non-gamer audience get it, than to try to go into a bunch of names and lil details to try to get non-halo gamers/readers to understand it...

Theres a careful balance between a good scifi series based on a games

Holy sh*t did I just watch a TV Series based on a Games story, that isn’t a cheesy TV adaptation that tries to shoehorn gameplay into a TV show that looks crappy.

I’m actually hopeful we’re actually getting a solid TV Series, with just solid story tie ins and graphics/characters from the games story, we want real Sci

So a horny joke isn’t ok on social media by companies since when i thought it was funny

Authy even Microsoft Authenticator are better

The problem is this season was a star trek MOVIE not a star trek TV SHOW. All the non stop action and fights and drama, is for the movies normally instead they tried to make the tv show like that and i’m sorry while i love it the problem with that is it can’t keep up that kind of energy all the time, we need filler

its less about gal being beautiful and more to do with the 6" skirt she still wore i think was his point of sarah vs ww.

temperatures have increased in the past 15 years just not as quickly as was initially predicted, but they have been steadily rising.

Basically whats happening is Car Battery’s are being refurbished and recycled into home batteries because the home cycling is a lot less demanding so technically even EV Car Batteries are “recycled” eventually. Now finding out what to do after they’re used up after 10+ years in your house i dont know :)

Average 2015 car price was 31,252 according to truecar data... So Technically tesla is right there.

No because they would transport the quantum state of everything in the beam/pod clothes/person/dust/dirt etc, all would be destroyed on one side and created on the other

File has been identified by at least one AntiVirus on VirusTotal as malicious - Seriouslys its a torrent app every torrent app flags this one normally

listen they can produce f22’s fast as soon as they get the right suppliers dedicating their supply lines to it.

tooling wasnt destroyed, only stored in near ready state, its the lack of contractors and supply chain to get it up and running right now.

its based on wacom and an amazing screen, especially the SP3, it was designed for designers

Pretty sure 90% of offices run windows not for the games bud

No the air outsells it because apple fanboys buy apple toys year ofter year for some reason that no one else understands, it’s 1mm thinner and 5% faster, lets spend another 1500$ year after year.