
To the Greys, a few points.

I still don’t understand the fake argument of this. You KNOW your house or apartment. You KNOW your furniture, the placement of it, the particular smell of the place,etc,etc,etc. There’s NO way she didn’t know it wasn’t her place.

Bitch, you broke into another person’s home and fucking shot him. The only thing that’s ‘reasonable’ here is seeing you put under the jail.

Legends of Tomorrow and Person of Interest are the first two that come to mind for me.

The Good Place. Don’t get me wrong, I loved the show start to finish and it’s amazing and wonderful and all that jazz, but it never reached as high as the “what the fork is going on?” mysteries of S1, culminating in one of the best reveals (and evil laughs) in TV history

May said to get ready, god dam it! Do not disappoint her!

God Damn am I going to miss this show.  At least they are going out with a bang instead of a whimper.  This season has been incredibly good.

On that subject, I hope Mr Feeny is locked in a room somewhere having every nuance of his voice digitized for next gen AI.

Hey, if the price of it not being 2020 anymore is having to relive the 2008 Knight Rider reboot, that’s a small price to pay.

Stop whining and let us KR fans have something!!! :P

May: “Get Ready!”

The false assumption you’re making is that being educated is the same as being intelligent. Lots of educated fools running around.

Talk to me about the taxation of trade routes like you did by the lake on Naboo, Jill.

Best Doesn’t Give A Groddamn Fuck Series

Glad to see The Good Place get some love.

Happy to see Ludwig Göransson’s score get recognized. I really like the sci-fi/western feel he brought to it.

Geo this is hostile.

I’ll say it: Cujo is a Good Boy. He’s not evil or demonic - he’s sick and dying. Every bad thing he does in the movie is a result of him being infected with rabies and thus in terrible pain. Yes, that sucks for the humans stuck with him, but ultimately Cujo is as much a victim in this movie as the people he

People tend to forget that the main reason he wrote LotR was to have a showcase for his fictional languages.

It feels like a disconnect between ROTJ and the prequels, since all the use of it meaning “shit” came from TPM. Jabba’s use of “poodoo” was in the context of describing how dead Solo was--and if Banthas were scavengers, not grazers, this makes sense.