
“This was clearly a moment where I lost control and made incredibly hurtful and divisive comments,” Lofthouse said. “I would like to deeply apologize to the Chan family. I can only imagine the stress and pain they feel. I was taught to respect people of all race and I will take the time to reflect on my actions and

I love Tron Legacy , its story is ok , but my god! it looked beautiful , had an absolutely amazing soundtrack , and had Bridges playing Kevin Flynn basically as The Dude . If you’ve access to any kind of VR setup , and dont mind some heavy ebay trawling , or light piracy , watch it in 3d (in one of the virtual cinema

I literally had all of Babylon 5 sitting in a box in my living room, and still bought everything again on iTunes lol.

In most cases like you I’d prefer day-one viewing from home- but there are certain directors/films I’d prefer to see on the big screen in a modern, fully-equipped theater with good sound. (Dunkirk, for example, was just not the same on a TV.) I bet spectacle films would still do well in theaters if they were

There are “things” which are worth avoiding in our food. But the idea that everything around us is dangerous, or toxic, or even just “gross” is an anthropogenic way of making ourselves needlessly miserable.

Alan Rickman and, to a lesser degree, Morgan Freeman make Prince of Thieves more than worth watching by themselves.

The overwhelming power of Alan Rickman negates anything that would be considered bad about that movie.

Also, keep Keith David and Jonathan Frakes. 

If you haven’t already, I highly recommend everyone go watch the newest episode of The Gallery on Disney +. At 21:41, Dave starts talking about what Star Wars really means and why it’s about family and how that plays out in the context of the prequels and the original trilogy, and does not stop until the end of the

Dude. You are a fucking nerd. And I love you.

But surely the only reason that she learns what she does is she *isn’t* in a position to do anything? If the Jedi hadn’t basically offered her up as a sacrifice she’d almost certainly have been with Anakin when Palps was captured, sorry, ‘captured’ by the Separatists so doesn’t talk to Maul. By the time she learns the

This show. This grodddamned, forking magnificent show.

It’s a wonderful Tomorrow in the neighborhood!

“They’re going to get themselves cancelled.” Okay, I chuckled. I really do love the fact that LoT seems to be beholden to no sense of logic or structure beyond, “This seems fun.”

Sara Lance as Captain Kirk and Ava Sharpe as Spock is the most perfect thing I have ever seen. Plus, it also feeds into the Kirk/Spock ship. (I assume that Mick is Bones in this parody — and I will give everything to see him say, “Dammit, Sara, I’m a thief, not a damn doctor!”)

The Phantom movie was awesome! I’d have loved to have seen a sequel.  Along with a sequel to The Rocketeer.

Navigation Hologram: “Carajo, tiene que haber una salida de aqui.

Ms. Josephine March is business casual today or she’s being watching too much Ina Garten on Hulu....

How has this awesome dissertation-poster article not been shared/posted to io9?!

Excellent example of a beautiful bio-inspired ship. I’m pleased that Farscape falls into the Big Questions category, even if it was mostly space opera.