
What’s worse is that Star Wars has fascist-leaning “fans” who are shocked, shocked and horrified how Star Wars has only now just become “woke” and political. (Star Trek fans are like that, too.)

Star Wars was always political. Literally the first line of the opening crawl for the original 1977 movie is “It is a period of civil war.” (And there was even more openly political plot info in the Anchorhead scenes that got cut for time —Biggs tells Luke that the Empire is nationalizing commerce and drafting people

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: I’m continually impressed by Ransom.

I maintain that the third book in the series, The Celery Stalks at Midnight, is one of the greatest book titles ever created.

Money, or rather budget. Remember the old 80/20 rule. You can get 80% of the job done with 20% of the money. I give it a pass though. I grew up watching kaiju in rubber suits.

I took the final scene to mean that someone leaked footage of abomination at the fight and it made it to the prosecutors, or it was leaked online, but that the actual events of Shang Chi had happened a while before. 

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Hey while we’re here in spoiler territory: Everybody noticed Darryl working in New Asgard, right?

The term “reboot” has been abused so much in the past few years that it’s pretty much meaningless now. It felt like for a while studios didn’t want to call anything a sequel, so as to present films/games/shows as “jumping-on” points. See also that obnoxious trend of dropping numbers from titles.

Tormund Approves...

They were not.

How DARE you speak ill of Burry!

I mean, I would rather hear various clips stitched together to make a coherent bit of dialog, than have someone try to voice Leonard Nimoy.  His actual words meant so much more.  Same with the others.

Why is Godzilla Day not on my calendar like all the other important holidays?!?

No we’re exterminators.  Somebody saw a cockroach up on 12.

“This poster has no dick.”

Ghostbusters 2 was a great movie, and at times more entertaining than the first. Yes, it was goofier than its predecessor, but from start to finish it’s actually an entertaining movie. I’ve grown up a fan of Ghostbusters since it originally came out. It was my first “favorite” movie as a kid, and I’ve seen both the

I mean, heartily disagree. It was good, it just wasn't the first movie. “Hot garbage” is a massive overstatement imo, but to each their own.

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Great news, but I think you overlooked one of the best parts about the original movie: James Horner’s soundtrack

The best part of this, very goood episode, was djimon hounsou having the time of his life with his fan obsesed character. kinda wish i saw him in more comedic roles