That Veronica Vaughn is one piece of ace. I know from experience, dude, if you know what I mean...
That Veronica Vaughn is one piece of ace. I know from experience, dude, if you know what I mean...
That sounds expensive
I'll say something snarky about Atlanta for you—What a shithole!
Why is this woman talking?
Alright, alright...let me try for the bronze..
Good to have you back, Raysism.
They owe their wealth to the fact that their father was related to the Maceo family that used to run organized crime in Galveston, Texas during its heyday. Few people like to point this out.
That old mafia money can go a long way if used correctly.
Wasn't this news like last week?
Jerry, were you ever a Simpsons fan?
Hey fuck you buddy!
Harris County, TX what's up?
He plays Pokemon for fuck's sake...
Better than Batista
Where is Mean Gene when you need him?
I wish the world would go the way of the WWE Network. That goddamn McMahon is a genius.
Trust me, I love Austin...I spent many summers there growing up, my family owns a ranch 45 minutes from there, and I even lived there for a year following college, but the city has changed so much since even then (2009). This isn't Clifford Antone or Stevie Ray Vaughn's Austin anymore. I'm not some old fart either;…
I've always said that Houston has everything Austin doesn't have and Austin has everything Houston doesn't have. They compliment each other well for being 2 hours away from each other.
that'll piss 'em off!