
It's alright. I don't write for the people that wouldn't get it.

Yeah, you made that obvious.

Double whoosh to you

I own a Mazda 2 for scooting around town when I don't feel like driving my pickup or my Beamer...it fucking sucks

Fordham doesn't play Central Kentucky this year you idiot!


Yeah this was a potent batch that was almost too much. I was imagining myself as a 1600's pirate stuck in the 1980's. I don't know either.

I'd be lying if I told you I thought otherwise. He always seemed like he's a dick in real life. Watch Beyond The Mat...he won't even look the Indy guys in the eyes when he talks to them and shakes their hands.

I'd be lying if I told you I thought otherwise. He always seemed like he's a dick in real life. Watch Beyond The Mat...he won't even look the Indy guys in the eyes when he talks to them and shakes their hands.

I'll give you a +1...not that it means anything

As with anything else...Simpsons episodes on acid are also fun for the same reason. You tend to look at the jokes differently and notice all the subtle, little things.

I've done the Dark Side of the Rainbow, can't imagine what Fantasia would be like, and never have heard of the last one.

There was also some money to be made down here...

He was a still an invaluable asset to the organization in any role he played whether it be a guest broadcaster, talent scout, or consultant. It's not the way you treat a loyal employee with 20 years of service in your company and 40 in the industry.

I've had it stick with me for a couple of days before. Like where I'm at work on a Monday and Tuesday just weird as fuck watching spots on the wall move around. That isn't fun. I wanted it to stop.

I've watched the original Tron on it once and the first time I saw ET was on it but that wasn't very good.

And the music fucking jams

Never heard of it, but thanks for the suggestion! I'll put it on my list.

God damn it, I'm trying to sleep!

I'm convinced that everyone should try acid at least once. And then watch Yellow Submarine on it.