
You fool! Those pictures were doctored!

Vince is a genius. I wish he was my father. Or father-in-law.

If you don't mind me asking, what sort of capacity were the jobs offered in? I think the wwe is the one company in the world that could offer me a minimum wage job and I'd quit mine in order to pursue.

That second one is fucking great.

He's Capital-G, Double O, Double N, Double E...GOONNEE

I'd rather be a McMahon schill than a Viacom schill every day of the week and twice on Sunday.

I seriously cannot wait until I can give them my money for that network. I'm pumped.

What do you mean? Yes they do

As a fellow southpaw, I noticed that too.

Now playing

sorry, it's a simpsons reference I use when someone makes an overly popular joke on here. That Louis CK clip was funny though, thanks for that.

I don't get it.

We want virgilbag!

He's said on record he likes Dairy Queen but I doubt he's been back to that one in that shithole town that that was filmed at

May I buy that from you?

Somewhere, Jim Cornette is really pissed off.

And then the rumors that they brought in Batista to face Orton at WMXXX...fuck that noise

That says a lot...

Thanks for getting Jim Ross fired, asshole!

I thought he was in rehab

That sounds safe