
And this is what happens when you write off younger generations for being woke, demanding equal rights, lazy, and incompetent.

Anonymous and other hackers:

Man with a history of hate toward LGBTQ folks also has a history of sexually assaulting his male staffers.

In fairness, how else could he possibly communicate to employees that he was the “Alpha Male”?


Do. And as we all know, once someone makes the slightest bit of nominal effort to gesture towards these things, it is wholly unfair to discuss it with anything but unqualified praise. Especially when that effort is being sold for the person’s benefit.

Sitting on benches just to keep someone else (specifically) from doing so. What is this, high-school?

They could’ve let her speak and then just ignored her as they would’ve anyway. Or they could turn it into a newstory/lawsuit, which is what they chose.

Now playing

Yup, his mother is FC and he was raised in Longueil. He went back to the US at 18.

Jesus. I thought he was just being a whiny asshole about his wife dumping him, but he really is an abusive prick too.

Thirty years ago, this video would get him fired and ostracized. Today, it would get him elected to public office.

Crowder and Owens are both garbage, and I’m happy they are eating each other.

It is ironic that he’s railing against no-fault divorce given that his ex (soon-to-be ex?) has cause, and video/evidence to back it up. The law could be different, and she'd still be getting early parole from this marriage.

I’m so glad this woman left before he did something worse than being an abusive, fascist shitdick.

Narcissistic Personality Disorder. Textbook example. Google it, or look it up on Quora, learn the signs and red flags. If anyone ever meets one of these assholes (and they will probably be VERY CHARMING at first) fucking run for your life.

What a controlling, abusive shit head.

Those things... are very much connected. More food makes you bigger. Bigger people die faster.”

NY Times is reporting that Disney fiked their lawsuit minutes after the vote. Minutes. Sometimes tells me they’re going to be a lot more prepared in court than DeSantis is.
