
Probably the same people who use Aloy as an example of “intentionally ugly women in western games.

I’m inclined to agree. She burned all her political bridges, so who’s going to take her calls? She’s shown spectacularly bad judgment from the beginning, so who would trust her with their money? Her name on a start-up board would be like Trump on your resume. What value does she bring to anything?

Yeah but the thing is that’s not a better gig than, you know, being a senator.

Fox will make space for the oh so hilarious TV version of ‘opposing viewpoint’ talking head which translates to ‘act like a barely capable jackass for our amusement’ branded jester for their court.

None of the reasons people are offering for her behaving this way are that compelling. No VC/consulting firm is going to find her particularly compelling as a hire because she’s made painfully obvious colossal mistakes of late that haven’t even really resulted in anything big happening.

Guaranteed she’s lining up a Fox News gig as one of their “bipartisan” talking heads.

I’m sure she has a cushy, do-nothing job lined up at a VC firm somewhere.

Why should she care? She isn’t running to win. She’s running to grift more funds, stay in the spotlight, and spoil the chance for a Dem to keep the seat. Her masters have already punched her ticket for a bright future as a “consultant” in payment.

27 percent of voters in the state view Sinema favorably

Well it clearly is though, transphobia is alarmingly common even among those who consider themselves to be opposed to conservatives

Targeting abortion is a losing issue, but targeting trans people—a small subsection of the American population—has apparently been deemed a winning conservative issue.”

Man, I always thought the main reason I shouldn’t get into politics is too much weed and no college degree...the pro-life lunatics however have taught me that I wouldn’t be able to do my job without screaming obscenities at these fuckin clowns in hearings like this. “Ma’am did you just try to tell me with a straight

Not specifically, no. I just remember that Bill Maher is generally smug and wrong, and the individual reasons why have just kinda run together over the decades.

For folks who purport to want to ‘protect children’, they play pretty fast and loose with the definition. Not that I expect anything less of them.

Yes, a woman’s body is meant to carry life. A WOMAN’S BODY. A 10-year-old is not a woman, you miserable piece of shit. Fuck you, Streitmann.

‘Member when Bill Maher was practically sucking himself off, condescendingly telling women that most abortions happen with a pill and we shouldn’t be worried about losing access to the ones involving medical procedures because we’ll still have the pills?

DeSantis has the opposite problem Trump has - he’s scarily competent, but has absolutely zero charisma. It hurts to say and admit, but Trump is a master at working a crowd. DeSantis is robotic, stiff, and awkward. He overcompensated for this by going 1000% into this culture war stuff, but it backfired and now

Ron, just take the L and never mention Disney again in your campaign. If it wasn’t for WDW, Orlando would still be swamps and orange groves. You’re fucking with the golden goose, and it isn’t going to end well for Florida in about five years (which I’m assuming is the whole point because he’ll be out of politics by

Online discussion of “nerd” properties is just so toxic now that you can’t even talk about the relative quality of shows/movies without being unwillingly pulled into culture wars. [*Not that one can even have that discussion about this particular movie yet, since no one has seen it — but still].

Imagine feeling threatened by comic book movies