
I think it’s because a lot of people don’t know how politics work anymore (not surprising in a world with about three legit newspapers left and no one reading them anyway). They assume that a President should be able to accomplish anything if he just WILLS it hard enough, like The Secret. Failure is just a lack of

So what’s the over/under on number of days until John Schneider does away with the “I didn’t really say that” and just goes with “I thought we had freedom of speech in this country?!?!?!?!?!!?”

OK, look, I’ll explain it for both conservatives that read this site:

“The children yearn for the mines.”

“Look, our entire voting base is nothing but snowbirds who aren’t going to last until the end of the decade. Might as well let them creep up the skirts of 16 year olds while they’re still above ground.” -Florida GOP

Dickensian was always an unfair term. Dickens knew that there was nothing worse than the exploitation of children.

Let doctors do the doctoring. Ken Paxton is a should be convicted felon. Why does he get to decide if someone is having issues with their body? Why is the government deciding at all? You would think a person that wants more children is one of the ‘good ones” in their eyes.

Can only speak for me, but... I enjoyed it. I didn’t “hype” (I’ve grown out of that, I find that I enjoy games a lot more if I’m not expecting The Greatest Game EVAR!”), bought it at launch, and played it for 170 hours. And then I moved on to one of the many other big releases that came out at the same time. (just

You say “gamble” because it didn’t happen. But because of their actions, I’m inclined to think that it was a handshake deal that they were backstabbed on. But they don’t want to say that, because they still need an investor.

And when they go bankrupt because they’re $1.5 BILLION in the hole, and their properties get divvied out to the companies who they owe money to, they’ll gather dust on shelves all over again. It’s happened before and it’ll happen again.

I dont have the energy for the long response.  But basically in the 60s some right wing economist proposed that the only point of corporations should be maximizing shareholder value.  This caught on fairly quickly, and got propogated by consulting firms like McKinsey, who then spent the next few decades coming in to

“Maximizing shareholder value” is the biggest turd of corporate speak. As Boeing can attest, it means delivering short-term gains for stockholders (and bonuses for the exec team) at the expense of the company’s long-term health.

Don’t forget Embracer also owns Dark Horse Comics. My whole ass is clenched just waiting to see what happens to them because of this.

Who could have possibly seen this coming!? Expanding at an unprecedented rate has never gone poorly ever, especially when you don’t even have the funds in hand to do so. I’m shocked, shocked I tell you!

Its not just video games - but why is it these CEO clearly screw up and make a mess of things yet remain employed? This sounds like string of bad management decisions. C-suite should pay the price. And not with a golden parachute - they should get the same severance any other employee gets. It amazes me with the focus

To quote the guy from the other thread: “Starfield wasn’t snubbed. It simply wasn’t deserving.”

“Your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn’t stop to think if they should.”

I’m unsurprised and, per the last comment I made on an article about this, still just heartsick for these devs. Time and time again we are given absolutely unreasonable parameters and then when a game doesn’t meet a quality bar it never could meet (or rather, when a game doesn’t financially perform - the quality bar

they literally call themselves Game Mill.

Wait they literally call their company “Game Mill”? Wow. At least they're upfront about what shitty people the management are.