Both Jones and Pearson delivered powerful, moving speeches about democracy amid the blatant injustice.
Both Jones and Pearson delivered powerful, moving speeches about democracy amid the blatant injustice.
If you do the first one because you were afraid for your life, you will be thrown in jail forever.
“Stand Your Ground” is basically a “Get out of Jail Free” card for anyone who is a warrior for ultra-conservative MAGA causes. These assholes are even making declarations to their friends that they are basically going hunting for liberal protesters. Same playbook as that Rittenhouse piece of shit. Arm yourself and go…
It’s true that Republicans have done that (hence why every year Americans think crime is rising even though it has been on a long-term down trend since like the mid-9os). But there isn’t any reason that exact same fear mongering can’t be turned back against them when they are literally advocating for pardoning…
Everything about this is astonishing. It was just last month that Biden and centrist, moderate Democrats, bent over backwards to scrap D.C.’s rational, badly needed overhaul to its criminal laws because of racist fear mongering and worries that they would be perceived as “soft on crime” (lol) in 2024 (LOL) if it went…
I think walking around with an assault rifle is a bad idea, especially at a protest. However, Texas has, I think, been quite clear that doing so is perfectly acceptable. So is it okay to open fire on anyone who is armed, as long as they’re walking towards you? Or is this just a limited exception where you can kill…
Ummm, GenZ was from 1997 till 2012. Only about half of them can vote, and that is as of this year. I don’t think them voting or not is what got us to where we are currently. Also weird flex to blame to the youngest voters on the current political state of the US.
It doesn’t help that no one except DeSantis wants this. He has no support at all.
Both our major parties suck, but that just means you have to go with the lesser evil.
When the Disney lawyers opposing you are the good guys in the story, you know you done fucked up.
They’re constantly voting against their own interests when they vote Republican so why not?
Oh, DeSantis and the legislature are WELL aware of the tax implications... that’s why the district isn’t being dissolved anymore- When they realized that dissolving it would leave the surrounding counties with over a billion dollar tax burden, the legislature held an emergency session and walked it back... taking over…
Turns out when you actively attempt to subvert and weaken government for years, your ability to take on a large corporation is limited.
Yeah, for example this threat of toll roads is bizarre because, well, toll roads are meant to pay for the road maintenance, but Disney pays for the roads within the district. So having state owned toll roads within it would just be a highwayman’s tribute that got pocketed by the state?
Desantis: “We are currently planning our next move.”
Meatball isn’t getting any campaign funds sure but the state and the people in it are benefitting greatly from Disney being there. I honestly think DeSantis is just planning to go scorched earth on Florida just to build clout for his Presidential run. Florida needs Disney more then Disney needs Florida.
I think one thing that gets overlooked in most of these articles isn’t so much that Disney spoke up against DeSantis’ terrible bill.
So in other words he could create a situation in which his constituents would have to cover certain infrastructure and maintenance previously paid for by Disney? Lol, what a tool.
One thing these articles fail to mention in bringing up the formation of Reedy Creek Improvement district is that it wasn’t just about control, it was also made so that Disney would have to foot the bill for things that would otherwise be covered by citizens’ taxes. It’s in the very wiki that you link to and is pretty…