


To be fair, the character from Beyond Good and Evil 2 is a Somali woman...and I am 100 percent on board with that.

He is the worst aspects of American capitalism personified. 

And sometimes, a woman flirts for four minutes while trying to leave because she doesn’t want to make things awkward, isn’t certain or comfortable with what to do to hurry the situation along, or is plain scared of how this uncomfortably persistent man is going to react if she is more blunt in trying to leave.

That’s a good chunk of the art I follow. All the stupid little things that keep me happy are getting taken away.

Which is true, but if he keeps piddling away the amounts they give him on trying to build his wall, and not actually supporting the existing infrastructure (which includes the Agents working the border), then that will come back to bite him in the ass, as well.

A lot of my favorite artists on Tumblr are women artists that make adult and erotic art. Almost all of them are going to see their entire portfolios banned because of this.

I would point out the $1.6 billion is pess than the $5 billion Trump wants, and is willing to shut the government down over. Even the $5 billion Trump wants is still much less than what he needs.

Because she said “No,” and “No” means fucking “No.” Maybe the ‘societal norms’ of the 1950s didn’t account for that, but we know better now. I mean, shit, we used to do a lot of things in popular culture that we don’t do anymore.

How the fuck is this a thing that is still happening? At what point is this dipshit going to actually suffer consequences for doing obvious and blatant acts of moral turpitude? What the fucking fuck?

...is he trying to escape? Is he just testing the boundaries to see how far he can get before he can make a break for it?

“For the love of God, stop him! He’s already driven two Representatives and a Senator yo suicide, and he’s going after McConnell next! He keeps screaming ‘turtle season!'"

We were robber, I tell ya.

He doesn't drink enough protein shakes to be called a jabroni.

....oh, Jesus, can you imagine Hunter S. Thompson with access to Twitter and a shit ton of mescaline?

I have several questions.

I dunno...unless this covers Offred’s happy life and emotional recovery in a stable European country, I kind of dread what it would be. There’s just so much I can take!

I have, and it was actually quite enjoyable. Also, much more historically accurate than Braveheart. The biggest flaw I would give it is that Pine is too subdued in his role. There are a lot more interesting characters around him. Still, it's worth a watch.

I have thoughts and concerns.