
The C in vitamin C stands for cuck! You stopped because some egghead doctor told you? This is why the frogs are turning Democrat!

Better break these out, then...

We, and I cannot stress this enough, are in the darkest timeline.

See, I read BBC Sherlock and got a very different mental picture

Ummmm...did you READ what you wrote? Because the whole point is that if someone has an opinion you don’t like, you can dislike it, even for reasons someone like you thinks irrational. It’s not about YOU.

Yep. That she thinks of “what a rational adult does as a matter of course” as “pampering” says a lot. It’s not pampering to do your fair share of household chores.

“Doing the laundry” is not “pampering” ffs. It’s doing the basics as a partner in a marriage.

Is it clear he’s actually hitting on him? Those conversations were extremely boring.

What I will never understand.

Mmmmmm, what about in a fit of teenage rebellion mixed in with romanticizing an absent parent?

...with Corey (sic) Booker in charge!

I hesitate to criticize other women for what they want on their wedding day but I want to fully endorse your statement that the real issue is with the wedding industrial complex. It’s a genuine mindfuck and it’s made people into monsters—and not just brides. Until the day I die, I’ll never get over how many people

The real issue is with the wedding industrial complex. I had a $25 wedding at a courthouse over 25 years ago. Let’s all try to get over wanting to be princesses. Marriage is about the entire relationship, not a single day. This whole special day thing is ridiculous. 

Or she’s a genuinely good person who developed a sense of humor as a defense mechanism against the sorts of people that have been sneering at her her whole life.

For these folks, the cruelty is the point. Their hate is more important than recognizing the humanity of others.

Prince Andrew is available.

This some new version of the The Princess and the Pee.

Lauren - have you ever been camping or backpacking? I’m asking seriously, not snarkily. I’m not a pro by any means, but every serious backpacker I know makes a list and practices packing their bags before going on a trip. having so little stuff takes a lot of planning because everything needs to have a purpose (or

have you ever noticed that the same people who give over-packers shit are inevitably the same ones who forget their toothpaste and need to borrow yours? Or complain about being cold until you offer to lend them a sweater? Or opt out of an activity because they failed to bring the right footwear? Under-packing is not

They couldn’t tell you the outcome of your own complaint? That’s nuts.