
And then we have stories like this, who the fuck would ever want to come forward and risk, ultimately, their life?

One of the most depressing things about this is how many girls experience(d) this and we’ll never even know.

PLEASE include either the National Suicide Prevention Hotline or some other relevant resource when posting articles that discuss suicide or self harm. It is genuinely not that hard. It seems that Jezebel has fully committed to not including this information on recent articles addressing suicide.

I’ve had this fear since February that we will never get covid under control. Even if we get a vaccine I’m afraid enough people will avoid getting that covid will continue to spread. We’ll all just be locked in this country of blithering idiots who refuse to acknowledge every other country without some right wing

That’s like the quintessential face of White Amerika in front of that motherfucking flag: rich, stupid, violent, and Neanderthal.

From my admittedly limited scope of reference (reality tv and youtube) It seems like Calabasas Is like the Florida of California and every terrible celebrity owns a McMansion there.  Am I right?  

ME (before watching the trailer): Ryan Murphy has burned me way too many times. No thanks.

She really needs to work on this talking point, because referring to Nina Simone as an exceptionally perfect Black woman defies the very aison d’etre of any Nina Simone biopic or documentary, which is to say all that magnificent music; that virtuosity came from a woman whose life and mind was otherwise a MESS - far

Slightly jarring to read a person who protected the abuser of literally hundreds of children described as a ‘first time offender’.

It seems like perpetrators like Nassar and Epstein are always surrounded by enablers. I guess there is a spectrum of banality of evil.

Thanks for your question—you make a good point, and I should have elaborated. Good journalists write about people with disabilities the same way they write about anybody else: by writing ABOUT them. For example, “Benjatrix is 36 years old and lives with his parents. He enjoys watching TV and playing with his dog.

I’ve seen it. There’s no excuse for feeding your kids bleach.

Wearing my mask out east

Filed to: GOOD NEWS

Good! That’ll be one more dose of vaccine available for someone else who wants one.

We dodged a bullet here.  That’s one more vaccine for the rest of us.   

Saw this for the first time in early-1998, on the tail-end of my eighth grade year. A particularly devil-may-care substitute teacher showed it to my class (I’m pretty Mr. Zuck was not asked to sub at my middle school again lol).

My then-boyfriend, now-husband made me watch it in college and the movie made me feel sick. It kind of makes me feel sick to think about it now almost twenty years later - I can still clearly see that scene after the main kid has sex with a super young teen at the beginning and asks his friend to smell his fingers

I watched this as a teenager who was also growing up in New York City at the time, and I remember being terribly confused because my life involved zero sex or violence or drugs and I wondered if I was doing it wrong.

My psych prof arranged to get a copy to show on campus. He made all his classes go. I was his unofficial TA, so I ran the film for the evening class of masters level students who were mostly adults and many with kids.