
Let’s be honest, Tex-mex is only about 5 ingredients served in different ways. You leave out cheese and it’s just ex-mex 

And once again, my inability to differentiate Jerry Lewis and Jerry Lee Lewis bites me in the ass.  “He got cancelled because he married his 14-year-old cousin!”. No, Steve. Wrong Jerry.

What about Cliven Bundy and his clan? Fox tried to turn those seditious pricks into folk heroes.

Absolutely, Kelly! We can’t have mob rule! We need to stop armed mobs from trying to storm state houses and threatening governors!

Rossi allegedly wrote to D’Elia, ‘I’m 21 now and [down to f***].’ His reps say D’Elia didn’t respond to her.”

She’s abandoned her boy! She’s abandoned her boy! She’s abandoned her boy!

Conservatives threatening us with a good time again!

You know who agrees with you?

That comment killed me. God’s perfect breathing system....get the fuck outta here.  

“Look out voters, if you’re young and dynamic and you vote for a young dynamic Democrat like AOC, you’re going to end up with a government controlled by young dynamic people instead of really really old rich white men!” - Lindsey Graham.

Graham’s comments are so laughable. One of these times when a politician says “something HORRIBLE is happening here!!” when in reality most folks are like...we want this to happen? Of COURSE Schumer, Pelosi, and Biden are figureheads - nobody wants them, they’re just there because the Democratic Party is too cowardly

How do those dingbats in the Florida video feel about nurses and surgeons wearing masks during surgery? How about dentist and dental hygienists? That lady talking about taking away god’s perfect breathing system sounded like her breathing system isn’t working at 100% capacity.

So Republicans are trying to make AOC the face of the Democratic Party because, why again? Like, do they think that having a young, charismatic, intelligent person who has proven herself extraordinarily effective at communication is going to hurt Democrats?

Can we please all agree to stop spreading the false message that Joe Biden is a sure win in November? We cannot afford to get complacent and have a repeat of 2016.

My husband and I just watched the trailer, and could barely contain our excitement. I wonder who is hosting it? It’s going to be hard to compete with Robert Stack.

WHO IS HOSTING THIS REBOOT?! I look and I can’t find any mention of a host! I had my suggestions that no one at Netflix asked for, as the UM super fan I tried to tell them Keith Morrison was the only one who could even partially fill Bob Stack’s shoes. If there is no creepy voice over, it is not Unsolved Mysteries.

I’ve never been a proper planner, but I WAS an intense to-do-lister for years, with apps, and recurring tasks, merging my private life and work life goals into one massive daily list. I never had a day off from the list. 

While what Johnson and Johnson is doing is a good start, it’s not going to change until many cultures stop valuing people with lighter skin more than those who have darker skin. My husband is from India and the first thing his extended family asked him after our first baby was born was how light our baby’s skin was.

Isn’t it contrary to Samuel Alito’s views on sodomy for him to have his head so far up his ass?