
“I’m sorry...but”, “you people” and get over it” are terms usually reserved for the biggest of asshats.

It is understandable that some people in one part of the world may not know what is offensive in other parts. The influencers that learned about the problem either took the post down, apologized or both. But some

Ignorance doesn’t make you innocent. And you aren’t in charge of telling black people what to be offended by.

Is there a country where it’s considered a cool and respectful thing to do? 

Something about that US Marshal taking little 6 year old Ruby’s hand really hit me. She’s so little you can’t help but worry about her falling down the stairs and yet adults are mobbing to harass her.

Every time I see that picture I think about how terrified her mother must have been, to let her go into a world where people hated her for one thing-her skin color. And yet she dressed her in her best dress and her new shoes and did her hair up-that is powerful. That is dignity.

I’m not quite 60 and the all-black school in my Arkansas hometown shut down and consolidated into the mostly all-white school when I entered the 3rd grade.

Ruby Bridges had more courage at age six than the racists opposing her have had their whole lives.

I can’t get over how...... not that old Ruby Bridges is. This just happened. 

Not surprised. Big-time right-wingers. Stopped shopping there (and their other brands, Urban Outfitters and Free People) years ago.

Why do transphobic people always seem to think being transitioning is some breezy walk in the park people just do on a whim?

Perhaps Rowling is suffering from a new disorder that my manufactured research will absolutely totally prove exists among famous wealthy people. I’m calling it E. Musk Syndrome. Much more severe than plebeian hubris. Seems to exponentially worsen as one’s net worth goes up.

To be honest what Rowling intended as messages and what fans got out of the books seem increasingly at odds the more we learn of her politics and intent.

Having talked to people like her she’s worried about the CHIIIIIIILDREN! Wont someone think of the children!? What if they transition and regreeeeeeet it!? (despite the astronomically small number who do vs the many people who kill themselves because they can’t transition).

OMG my MIL has the identical fear: men are going to start using the women’s bathroom. She went on and on once about how awful it was and it’ll be a big deal.

Just a reminder that this Champion of the Women and Lesbians didn’t include a single lesbian in her hugely famous book series, and the only gay character was left in the subtext. Also, the only female main character was her self-insert.

What the fuck is wrong with this woman? What business is it of hers what anyone else chooses to do with their body? It just seems really strange to me that she would decide she’s a warrior for this side of this issue, especially given some of the lessons of HP as elucidated by Daniel Radcliffe.

Rinse, repeat. This is 2016 all over again. Anyone who had Bernie Bro friends on Facebook back then (i.e. everyone posting here) knows that the Bros bit even harder on the Hillary conspiracy theories than the right wing did. For the obvious reason: the target of those lies wasn’t people on the right, who were already

Shitty cops are shitty across time. It’s rarely a one-off. The other cops who don’t actively do shitty things are enablers and are therefore just as shitty.

Why is this issue so important to Rowling? Seriously, no one is taking anything away from her. She is not diminished in any way by transexuality and their efforts to be included as women. I find this odd. It seems to be a belief that one would not feel such urgency to publisize, but one that she could hold and express

Daniel Radcliffe said trans rights, hell yeah!