
You understand all these sites are part of the same “family” and cross-share links to each others ?

There is something deeply depressing about Native Americans choosing to follow a belief system that directly contributed to the death and degradation of their people.  

Sure, but have every attendee sign a waiver. No medical care of any kind for you if you get infected.

I said that to my uncle, and he said he’s OK with dying. He had nothing to say when I pointed out that he could kill other people.

I still don’t understand why people still bother going to church.

With every job loss or sick family member notification I receive from an acquaintance who voted for Trump, I experience schadenfreude so powerful I’m afraid it might metastasize into something permanent, like glee, or apathy. 

I have been trying my hardest to avoid thinking about how competently Hillary would have handled this. She wouldn’t have been as comforting as Obama, but by God she would have gotten. shit. done. The problem is, people rarely recognize the natural consequences of their own beliefs and actions, even when it hits them

I’d say maybe a third of it’s based in their anti-science beliefs and a third in the love of money. The other third is their endless desire to think of themselves as a persecuted minority. In their version of the world, big lib’ral gummint is always coming for their guns, Bibles, pregnant teens, and freedoms. Just like

Whatever. At this point I’m so turned-to-stone jaded and resentful that one of the few hopes I cling to is that COVID-19 rips through Evangelical communities like wet paper. It already looks as though red states are primed to take the full brunt of this pandemic at its peak, and...yeah...fuck ‘em. They voted, prayed,

A member of my local assembly called me on the phone to check to see how I was doing. He let me know all in-person gatherings were cancelled, but made sure I knew how to access online services via Zoom ect. The main website has links to CDC guidelines. THIS is how you  treat people when you really care about them.

I made the “church will kill you joke” about three weeks ago, when looking at data for South Korea super-spreader patient 31. She attended a large church before and after her hospital stay and spread it to over 1,000 more people.

My first thought was “good riddance,” but these are the idiots that are going to clog up hospitals and ICU beds. Put the preachers in jail.

I say we gather up all the ventilators, masks, and gowns from FL, LA, GA and send them to NY an NJ. When the southern states need vents, we can tell them to treat everyone with the power of Jesus. Be like Ken Copeland and blow the corona virus out of existence.

I was a very advanced reader and “gifted,” so I was reading long before I knew all the words used in a book or could pronounce them correctly. I also was sensitive.

You missed the part where he sounds like H. H. Holmes!

What money does to us. I am reminded of the rich person compound in the book ‘World War Z’.

Good God.

I’m one half of a lesbian couple who has been doing IVF (I don’t have very many eggs, but they’re good...why wife has tons of eggs, but they’re weird).

While I feel for people who worry that their chance to have children is being compromised, REs use gloves, masks, etc., when performing a lot of their treatments.  I would not be able to live with myself if I thought my desire for a child - no matter how deep-rooted and real - was taking needed supplies away from

Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez came into Washington with more political capital than most freshman congresspeople, and she’s acquitted herself well. I think she’s too far left to win statewide in New York, and you couldn’t put her on the ballot in Ohio and expect her to carry it in a national election, but she fits her