Then she can turn down sponsors and Cosmo covers. But she can’t have it both ways. If companies are giving you money and goods in the expectation that you’ll tell your followers to buy them, you’re an influencer.
Then she can turn down sponsors and Cosmo covers. But she can’t have it both ways. If companies are giving you money and goods in the expectation that you’ll tell your followers to buy them, you’re an influencer.
Woman Who Lives And Dies By Branding Says Current Branding Might Kill Her
She means being bullied by the press and automatically vilified no matter what she says or does or doesn’t say or do, what she wears and how much it cost and constantly compared to her perfect sister-in-law who can do no wrong in the eyes of the media, and slut shamed for sexy photo shoots (markle’s for the racy shots…
On the one hand, the tabloids called Sarah the Duchess of Pork after she had her kids.
I’ll admit that I have zero sartorial sensibilities; I dress pretty uniformly in blacks and blues precisely because I can’t tell if two items match. But I’m not sure what the kerchief is adding to that outfit, aside from a dash of color at the expense of moving your upper arms.
Dammit, you chucklefuck, your intentions were perfectly clear. You wanted to hurt and embarrass a total stranger because some stray gross impulse darted across your lizard brain and being a white male, you never even thought to resist or question it. You honestly expected her to find that funny or at least “laugh it…
Additionally, in a statement to CBS News, Callaway’s lawyer stated that he, “did not act with any criminal intentions” and that “Tommy is a loving husband and father.” Of course, how much he loves his wife and children is irrelevant to Callaway’s inability to keep his hands to himself. And besides, Bozarjian isn’t…
Did you know that at the top of this screen the link for ‘The Root’ is right next to the link for Lifehacker? My advice, not that you asked for it, would be to click that link.
Black people can’t carry toy guns or knock on doors for help when their car breaks down for fear that someone will literally kill them but sure dude, it’s the fact that you can’t say a word that’s the real oppression.
I second everything GoPonyGo says. I live in a state where all forms of weed are still illegal so any edibles that I can get my hands on are homemade which means the dosage varies WILDLY which once resulted in a very dizzy, nauseous, and extremely dry-mouthed situation where I was high as fuck and miserable. Other…
Not all women senators are the same person.
“I couldn’t think of a character more deserving of a standalone film than Black Widow”
Why is everything white?
The part that boggles my mind is that a firm as large as State Street doesn’t have PR flunkies smart enough to know that engaging in this fight will generate more ill will than winning it could possibly ever recoup.
This statue was always a publicity stunt, and the fact that people bought into it as such a “powerful pro women” message was so cringey when it was simply an advertisement.
The fact is, Charles never should have married Diana in the first place. They barely knew each other and he was in love with another woman. That Elizabeth undoubtedly insisted that Camilla was an “improper” choice probably has fueled a lot of his current anger-- “I did the ‘right’ thing and you let that moron do as he…
It’s time to forgive Charles for his love for a woman his mother wouldn’t let him marry. We all loved Diana, but that relationship they were both forced into was destined to be a failure from the start. The real villain is not Charles, it’s the people who decided that they could impose an arranged royal marriage and…
You can talk all you want about slavery and speeches, but how many times did Lincoln remember to honour Washington and his men who seized the airports?