
This would make me laugh or at least giggle. Farts are funny! Also coming from someone like him makes it all the more funny.

Today’s Politico thinkpiece “Waiting on Obama” focuses on the idea that former President Obama might also be mucking about having a good long think in a cave before emerging to save the 2020 election.

Gotta give props to dude for having the balls to call u up and open a dialogue. 

And he certainly doesn’t owe it unwavering support to Bernie Sanders or a socialist America, no matter how many idiotic “Obama has betrayed us!” pieces this site comes up with, ignoring the fact that Obama has always been a liberal, not a socialist. 

Obama gave eight years of his life in the most thankless job there is and we, the United States voters, chose to reward his legacy by electing a racist clown.

OMG. I saw only the cover photo and I thought it was Ann Coulter. 

YouTube dramas make me feel like saying “ok boomer” to MYSELF.

Ethically, if you’re a gyn faced with a lunatic parent like this, is it a better choice to:

A: Explain that this isn’t how hymens work and “virginity” doesn’t have any real meaning in medicine, or
B: Tell him “Yes sirree, that freshness seal is still intact, nothing to worry about here!”

I feel like B is grosser but

Beyond disappointed that 1) they even gave him this platform, 2) they were so soft on his ass and 3) that Tiny was there instead of Deyjah’s biological mom.

Do NOT trust anyone when they said they’ve been “called” about anything. It shows a delusional mentality.

You are now, in the Gladwellian sense, a Major Major Major Major expert.

Gladwell, a hack? No way. I’ve spent over 10,000 hours studying his work, so I can assure you that I am an expert.

He’s a sleaze who is known for his tireless defense of Joe Paterno. 

You mean someone who made his whole career extrapolating anecdotes did lazy work vetting his resources? Say it isn’t so! He’s a hack and I’m not at all surprised that he didn’t think for one second about these victims as anything but fodder for a story. 

How curious that a guy that hung out with Jeffrey Epstein would either ignore women’s voices or use them without their consent in his book.

This is the creepiest yet most helpful answer I've ever read in my ten years in this establishment.

I just...don’t get HOAs. I know the benefit is supposed to be pooled resources to get bulk deals on maintenance and services (or just line the pockets of some developer/management company) but why voluntarily subject one’s self to this?

The board is usually packed with “Karens”.